Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Maintain And Build Your Light Quotient

Date: December 4, 2012
Subject: Building Light Body Quotient
Published By: Wa'GOSH & The Ancients


Maintain and Build Your Light Body Quotient

"Momentum is needed to HOLD your light and make this a true embodiment process ... into Immortality and Source Connection with Grace with Ease." - Brother Wa'GOSH (Little Fox)
"It is optimum to HOLD your personal light now. And, to no longer regress into the patterns of giving it away once you've reach these new levels of energetic connection and expansion. To do so is an echo of the old energy feeding process most Light-Workers are still involved in. This is why most are feeling stagnant.

Building your own momentum for the expansion of the Light-body's quotient has always been a secret of the Masters. So, choose to maintain momentum during the coming stages of this "Adventure Through The Great Shift". Be in your own energy and tend to your own garden intently and with courage.  Indeed, The Ancients remind us that it is a CHOICE to HOLD your precious light as a sovereign being. Why? 
Because, to love thy self ... FIRST and foremost is the greatest service one may provide.

"For struggle, habitual, repeating cycles of constant processing ... and the subsequent reduction of one's light from your many energy systems ... through feeding patterns co-dependent games are no longer necessary to "FEEEEL" connected to those sharing the journey. It's time to end the energy games and limiting beliefs beloved family. To OWN your MASTERY is the call. For this adventure is calling forth those who are ready, willing and choosing to BE-Come That Which You Seek ... and then share in your most authentic & integral of ways. Are you ready to move into spiritual maturity." - Ascension Teacher Master IM'Hotep

Only the pursuit of "clarity" and personal truth, as you so choose to define it, by way of your own personal Source connection and the higher self need be focused upon. Our sacred gifts and Original Blue Print for being here are being asked for in these very moments ... by the masses soon to awaken ... as we get closer to "The Great Shift" event itself unfolding around us.

YES! Remain in alignment with your Higher Self's consciousness ... and Divine Will based choosing, trusting, surrendering and allowing. And then, from this place be in your "New Earth" potentials, passions for life ... and ... start co-creating the New Earth through your embodiment of "First Source" energy.

Maintain your connection to Source Energy dear family. Maintain your connection to Source Energy above all. As a dear friend and Shaman-ista Elana Jaroff would say, "spirituality is NOT just a hobby ... but a way of life and of being." Become your own sacred pillar, sacred site and majestic mountain of energetic purity.

And, in this we can know and trust within our OWN hearts ... that all is well in all of creation ... indeed.

For the next preceding days weeks and months ... choose to do all things in a conscious, mindful, beauty-filled way. Own Your Mastery by taking every step ... one "Open Heart" step at a time. Think, pursue, make choices, share, give, receive and perceive in the world before you ... the truth of it all. And, we do mean all things beloveds. From the mundane to the your spiritual pursuits. As best one can.

This is the active force of "true co-creation" of teh new cycles, Unified Field and our highest potentials ... by way of the Prime Creator's love and Creator Source Energy ... through us ... as US."

YES!!! Make your LIFE ... a living, breathing, dancing, singing meditation for the expansive brilliant self to unfold before your very eyes.

Blessings to all in the one heart that we all are dear ones.

And remember to ... "Be-come" THAT ... which you seek.

Wa'GOSH (Little Fox)
And the Mt. Shasta FGI Team

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