About FGI - The Ancients & WaGOSH

Family Gathering International

SUPPORTIVE Wisdom From The Δncients

The ASCENSIΩN Δrchitects - Through Master IM'Hotep 


The Family Gathering International Mission:

"You must Be-Come - THAT which you seek !" -The Ancients
Greetings fellow Way-showers,

This web portal and it's many associated wisdom sharings, timely messages, FGI Team Member Links, the Ancient Ascension Alchemy Support Products, and various media programming ~ has the intention of bringing together all beings desiring to co-create and manifest the New Earth potentials as beckons of "Embodied Light" through Higher Self connection & in alignment with Divine Will and First Source Creation Energy.

We are presenting the wisdom & energies of "The Ancients" who are also known in other times, space, realms, kingdoms, planets & throughout the cosmos as, "The Ancient Architects" of this Great Shift and Spiritual Universal expansion. 

With timely messages, writings, lectures, teachers, authors, wisdom keepers, musicians, artists and healers from many traditions, spiritual families, disciplines, mystery schools, modalities, communities, realms, kingdoms, planets, angelic soul groups and languages ...

We choose to let go of all separation, and find each other, so as to remember and truly feeeeeel what it means to manifest & bring the energies of "HOME" & "The New Earth Reality" into being!

2010 Austrailian FGI Team
Of special NOTE: We are supporting the co-creating of various Ascension Centers, supporting many Gate Keepers of Local - Regional Sacred Spaces & Temples, co-created VIRTUAL & Local communities, venues and "Soul Family Gatherings" globally, regionally & locally for all those desiring to let go of the so called karma illusion as we gather together in divine LOVE, song, dance, wisdom sharing, singing, drumming, teaching, co-creating community, learning, re-membering, Council, healing, encouraging, releasing, being, breathing & manifesting - into the NOW - the Divine Will based desires for transformation and rejuvenation into a “NEW FOUNDATION” ... of self & the planet.

"Within you dear ones is the wisdom and the light. You must simply intend it into your beingness and then shine it as your personal truth. Simply breath into the fullness of this I AM - and then - SHINE this as your personal truth." - Master Im-Hotep & The Council of The Ancients
Mt Shasta, CA Lemurian Legacy 2010

Thank you for shinging your precious light and special flavor of love o the planet. And much appreciation for your joining and supporting us on this ... Adventure Through The Great Shift.  Mahalo from the One <3 

- Wa'GOSH The Peaceful One & Mount Shasta Team

About Wa'GOSH (Little Fox) The Peaceful One

Little Fox The Peaceful One (aka Wa`Gosh in the Algonquin language) is a member of an ancient tribe from the New England area.  The Mashantucket Pequots. 

These are the peoples known mostly for being the tribe mentioned in the Thanksgiving story of the US (The Pee-Quaht" War 1640's) http://youtu.be/iTuFKisYnm8 . They are also one of the original craftsman of the oldest bartering and artisan system in the Americas (Wampum). This heritage was chosen purposefully by his higher self as a direct lineage bridging the SHAMANISM of 4 planetary tribes that he's connected to ... by blood and DNA in New England, in the lands of Avalon of the UK and on the Emerald Isle of Ireland (the Pike lineage).

Good Hart MI "The Golden Age" 2009

Wa'GOSH (Little Fox)  is considered a "Returning One" ... a Cosmic INNER EARTH & STAR Shaman for assisting others with strengthening their ROOT SOUL "Source Connection" ... so as to support the current cycle of Gaia and humankind's Ascension into a STAR Planet of the 4th Light & 5th Dimension. 

As one of the Returning Ones, he is an experienced embodied multidimensional being who is tuned into his other 12 master selves, or higher self-aspects bridging the energy of HOME to the Earth from other planes, dimensions, times-lines, space, realms, kingdoms, planets, suns, stars, galaxies Star Systems and Universes.
2008 Star Family Reunion New England

From this comes a vast Universal Mind connection (The God Brain) as a "Source Creation Energy" conduit full of knowledge for which he has shared the wisdom of "The 15-D Ancients" (Elven beings) as an Ascension Architect and keeper of ... "The Ancient Book"... in almost every incarnation both on & off planet.

He works easily on the many levels of this world, the other realms, STARS, Planets, dimensions, with the Angelics, the ELEMENTS, the nature kingdoms, the devics (nature spirits), the Dragons, the Cetaceans, The Crystal & Mineral kingdoms, the Light Realms or Quantum Light, The Ascended Master Realms, the Inner Earth Realms/Cities/Temples/Libraries & Councils ... as well as with the Consciousness of Gaia ... and ... as an Avatar Heart & Golden Chalice Template Holder for the Planetary Ascension Grid he bridges the Great Central SUN's Golden Photon Light Dispensation that is NOW occurring for this planet and the entire Star System.

~ @ ~

Little Fox is a:  Certified Level II (SS) Signature Cell Healer.  http://signaturecellhealing.com/

Through instant remembering facilitated by: 7D Master Guide Kirael & Fred Kahu Sterling

"Brother Kahu Sterling's work in this area of HEALING BY COMMUNICATING WITH T-Cells and Stem Cell ... has given me the terminology and words to use when communicating with my clients and student ... so as to be able to share with others what I had already intuited in my on work. SS Healing is a blessings indeed."  - L/F

2007 Divine Joy 13 Codes Breath Session Mt Shasta CA.

He is also Level 2 & 3 HR "Holographic RE-Patterning" facilitator ... affiliated with these earlier works through the "Holographic Re-Patterning Healing" Association since 1997. A Multi-diciplinary Multi-Healing - Multi-Modality Process dealing with our interaction with and creation in the Hologram. Which is ... ALL ... that we are exploring in these incarnations as Human Angels.

Wa'GOSH is also a keeper of the "Lemurian Atlantian Atomic Accelerator, Ascension and Crystalline Healing Chamber Technologies ... & Telosian - Machu Pichu - Egyptian - Maya - White buffalo Calf Women - Prana Breatharian - Kunlun Life Force and other Ascension Initiatory Secrets."

As a guide and Original Founder of "The Family Gathering International" ... AND ... "The Living G.A.I.A." Foundation:  ... "we're assigned as a Global/Star Council & Planetary Ascension Team preparing the Ground Crew & the Earth Mother's Crystalline Grid/Portals for the Great Shift. This SHIFT is on many levels.  But our focus at this time is on both the Shift in Consciousness and that of the actual Shift of the Planet and all who choose to slide into the 4th Light and 5th Dimension." - L/F The Peaceful One

2012 "Your Ancient Legacy" Mt. Shasta CA
"The Time Of The Creators Is NOW!  It is time to be accounted for beloveds. You know who you are and the codes you carry for the many many potentials to be embodied unto Earth. FIRST in you as YOU. Embodied completely ... and then to be shared like the tuning forks that you are at your core. Council is Nye!

"Yes. We choose to assist in the raising of everyone's light-body quotient and Embodiment ... so as to build momentum and actually HOLD this light ... ringing in the Ascension process with, reunion, re-newal, remembering & the ensuing rejuvenating of such through local regional, national and international Family Gathering events and retreats. 

"It is soon time for celebration. We are choosing to bring forth the wisdom teachings of the Goddess Light, the renown Lemurian wisdom and the 15D guidance of original "Ancient Architects" who assist the Elohim Creators in all of this journey/universe. " - Wa'GOSH The Peaceful One

"They ... We ... ALL ... hale from the Ancient Stars/Realms/Planets/Dimensions/Crystalline Cities/Star Systems, SUNs & Universes."

"You are not the Phoenix.  You are that which was before the Phoenix ... ever was. Before there was time.  Before the planets were even physical." - Consciousness of Gaia through Pepper Lewis 2006 Session.
"Your Ancient Legacy" Ascension Retreat 2012 Mt. Shasta

Our Mission IS intentional & purposeful in sharing this ... the adventure of assisting ALL participants ... into the NEW Cycle of Gaia's evolution.  We've also chosen to unit the many planetary, angelic, star & devic soul groups & families under a banner of Cosmic Peace. 

For we admonish the call to ALL, "BE-Come" that which you seek beloveds ... and bring about the New Earth Star paradise Code Potentials ... through you. 

We choose to assist the Indigo, Crystalline, Lemurian, Atlantian, Angelic, Elven, Deva & Starseeded Souls, Awakeners & Way-Showers etc ...  who desire to remember their true Purpose & Original Blue Print for being here during The Great Shift in Consciousness ... INTO ... the re-birth of the NEW Gaia Earth Star !?!

Souls Codes, Meta-Physical & Shamanic Background:

Little Fox (Wa'GOSH) Brown Long-Tree
Little Fox (Wa'GOSH) was born in New England into the DNA pattern of 4 of the Original Shamanic Wisdom Temple Keeper Orders (Indigenous or Native of the  Americas, Egyptian (Kemit), Maya-Toltec, Lemurian, Atlantean, & Druid). A member of many STAR Nations and Ashtar Command. This is also complimented with the Galic/Celtic Goddess DNA lineage, culture and wisdom expressions. All of which are connected intrinsically to the Stars, Suns, Planets, Galactics & the various Elemental Weaves of Gaia: Tree, plant, mineral, crystalline and deva kingdoms and nature spirits of The GODDESS Light, from the STARs to the Lemurian (feminine) to Atlantean days of Thoth (as Kymerrion) (masculine) In both of these ages he/she was also know as "The Peaceful One" ... or as ... "He Who Comes In Peace" ... to the "Keeper Of The Atlantian Record) to the Egyptians (Kemit) while co-founding the Temples of ISIS & Dendera as well as building Heliopolis (City of the SUN). He's also associated with many lifetimes and a Buddhist Monk & Llama .. as well as related to the story and Christed energies of siSTAR White Buffalo Calf Women and The Golden Ray (Chalice/Ascension Tower) energies of Master Architect, Shaman, Physician, Spirit Warrior, MAGI and High Priest IM'-Hotep (Voice of I Am or I'M) through the "Ancient Book" of the Goddes/Elvens/Architect or Architectonics of Universal Creation and Wisdom Matrixes.

* Soul's Purpose, Qualifications & Certifications:

 Family Gathering International's Founder & "Gaia Breathe" Teacher & Facilitator (2006)
 Signature Cell Healer Levels 1 & 2 *
 Holographic Healing Practitioner L 1, 2 & 3 since (1997)
 4 Energy Body & Subtle Body Re-Balancing Facilitator
Myofacial Releasing Certified L1 (2009)
 Aspect-ology & Soul Retrieval Method  C.C. *
 Divine Joy Ka'MU-Niversity 24 Codes Practitioner *
 OHM Crystal Helix Breath-work Facilitator *
 Planetary Crystalline Grid Worker & Energy Gestalt (Portal) Keeper
 Stargate & Great Central Sun's Golden Photonic Light Bridger
 Inner Earth & Telosian / Machu Pichu Crystalline City Ambassador
 Avatar Heart Ascension New 12 Chak'Ra System Template Keeper
 Peace Ambassador for the Star Nations
FIRST Source Energy (Love, Wisdom, Creation) Over Soul channel, Template Holder & Bridger 
15+ Years as MP Tribal Nation's "Peacemakers Council" & 2 Yrs as Vice Chairman
Tribal Business Advisory Board as Temp Chairman
Tribal Constitution Reclamation Council
Owner operator of 5 successful Businesses & Enterprises
Bachelors Degree in Business Management and Organizational Behavior
Associates Degree in Computer Sciences, Programing, Building & Networking

SUPPORTING - Wisdom From F.G.I. TEAM Links

Our "Shared Links" is a very special page to us.  For we ONLY share the energy of those persons and organizations that we KNOW personally to be on the same path or of a similar purpose when it comes to assisting the Planet and the world-wide awakening "Soul Family" during these exciting times of The Great Shift.  They are also purposefully and with great dedication in constant pursuit of truth, divine clarity and put the greatest good first as all choose to connect with First Source Energy and the Creator's Will.  However, as always.  Please remember to use your own knowingness and discernment in all things.  For your personal truth is the only one that can lead you to FULLY knowing your Original Blue Print and purpose for being here. Let your passion for the journey be the key and your Open Heart the doorway ... to expansive being and BE-coming.

Blessings to all while on your "Adventures Through The Great Shift" - Mahalo

 - Little Fox & The Family Gathering Team

Contact Us:


Family Gathering International
P.O. Box 3302
CT 06338

E-Mail:  familygathering@live.com 
Phone:  303-952-0313

(NOTE: replace TEXT Links with added picture less text version of links - ie. more graphics)

F.G.I. - Mind Body Consciousness for Ascension, Immortality and Well Being {!?!}

...... Combine The Above and Below Programs For TRUE Physical Light Embodiment BE-coming .......

F.G.I.  Breath N2 Light - Physical Ascension Program 40 Days & 40 Night Assistance  {!?!}



Vibrant Vital Waters.com - Lemurian GAIA Fountains - Cosmic Energy Tools: Randy Hatton

Portal Of Inspiration Sacred Space & Temple Guidance with Christopher & Aurora Sheehan

Author Gislle Koy IS - The Modern Muse - Creative Assistance in BE-coming The Ravishing Life 

NOTE: This is a Family Gathering Media Portal for education and entertainment purposes only. Permission is given to share all information from the (F.G.I. Media Pages and the "Adventures Through The Great Shift" Websites, Blogs, Youtube Videos and Radio Programing.) They MUST be preserved in ORIGINAL format with all credit given appropriately to the creator/s of said material. - * (FGI Media 2012) *


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Radio Show Announcement. We are up and running right out of the gate next week with our first show. Join brother Little Fox LIVE online as he shared the Wisdom Of The Ancients on the NEW FGIMedia's RADIO SHOW through BlogTalk linked below.

    Blessings to all. - F.G.I. Team


    "It is a blessing to speak the language of light & share with all who choose to "Be" The Great Shift in these exciting times. Our passion is indeed made greatly enhanced by way of sharing in the Ancient Way... the Oral traditions. Know that it is an honor dear soul family to breath, dance, sing, know & "be" with all of you while we co-create the New Potentials with The Mother. Blessings in the energy of the One ♥... and the All That Is. - Whishte` to all.

    - Little Fox The Peaceful One.
