Date Stamp: January 20, 2012
The Fox Energy & Power Animal
Greetings dear soul family,
The Fox energy is not what most people think it to be when it comes
to power animals. To many the traditional western iconography ... the
fox energy is about being cunning, sly a sneaky trickster of sorts able
to evade capture and the hunter's horn.
But in true
Indigenous Wisdom, the Fox energy is about knowing and feeling the
energy of your environment so well its almost like the powerful Sage
expression of that of a wizard ... Merlin's magnetic alchemical majik.
Well, primarily ... Foxes can see the spirits, elemental beings and the nature guides.
Foxes can see Spirit Beings, Elemental Energies And Nature Guides.
Foxes have various powers akin to the labels give in reference to today's New children such as psychic abilities and telepathy. They can see Spirits, smell Elemental energy, hear Nature Guides, see, hear and sense with all their vital life-force the energy of its' local nature kingdom, other animals and ... predators. This is mostly done by way of telepathy. They can also read the weather patterns. They can sense and utilize the energy of The Mother's Ley Lines, Vortexes and Power Centers at their . . .