Greetings Way-Showers. Join the FGI Team & Wa'GOSH (Little Fox) The Peaceful One as he shares timely support for the Adventure of The Great Shift ~ through the wisdom of "The Ancients". As Guides throughout the many Shifts, they offer vast Ascension Knowledge to assist all choosing to build the momentum needed to raise their LIGHT-BODY Quotient and Co-Create the New Earth. ~ Image By: Lewis Elbinger
Solar Ascension INFO & Teachings
SUN Gazing Into The StarGate "Solar Logos"
Solar Ascension Process, Assistance & Links - See Below
July 13, 2012 - (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – "Well, here we go again. Scientists say a large sunspot unleashed a giant x-class solar flare yesterday.
It's headed in our direction and is expected to hit early Sunday morning.
one has the potential to cause some technological interference here on
Earth, mostly related to radio interruption and GPS problems."
Beware or statements like this from the media
* * * - * * * - * * *
IS NOT ACCURATE TV REPORTING!!! Flares flare up localized on the
surface. And, they can at times cause some magnetic flux. Very natural
24/7 for this to occur in the Sun's activity since it was formed.
Always has been.
BUT, CME (Coronal Mass Ejections) These can
push their way towards the Earths atmosphere. As this Sun Cycle 24 has
been showing us regularly.
I suppose it was only a matter of time before they would use this current SUN Cycle for fear mongering.
AND, they point out from their ticker-tape NEWS source that it will effect Radio & GPS ...
That's what we call a "Set Up." All Magnetic and thereby atmospheric
interruptions are possible, But, for them to focus on GPS & Radio.
Very relied upon technologies is a set up for future games they may
play. Don't be lulled into the fear dear family.
From Mitch
Battros Solar Researcher: Just as the Sun's solar activity affects the
Earth's magnetic field which has a dramatic affect on Earth's "weather"
i.e. earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, hurricanes; so does this wave of
electrical currents affect the human body's magnetic field. Mitch also
reveals a little-known development from modern medicine known as
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). TMS provides empirical evidence
of how magnetic fields can influence human emotions. -
Be in
your truth and create the world (experience) you want to have. Share
with neighbors and families in what ever way you need to with kindness
and patience for them NOT to go into fear about it.
To prepare is prudent. YES! its good to be prepared. Just not from fear.
This is the time most written about by The Ancients from previous Great Shift Experiences. This is the time to PREPARE OUR Physical Bodies for the actual embodiment of our I AM.
How to handle these INTENSE TIMES ...
Therefore, we suggest to meditate, meditate meditate daily. To be sure you are drinking lots of the FRESHEST highest light filled water you can find. Eat
foods high in trace minerals ... and detox your bodies and hearts OFTEN. I Daily drink Yogi Detox
tea just for upkeep of my liver and kidneys. This is where the energetic/magnetic debris of emotional based duality (fear, anger & anxiety etc) registers (libraries) reside ... from lifetimes of cellular memories & lower vibrational stories. This is where they will hide. So if you are NOT cleansing, clearing, detoxing, releasing and re-building (healing) down to the cellular level. You WILL struggle and repeat the old ... rather than be supported in your co-creating of the NEW ...At least not with grace and ease anyways ... ;)
Therefore, be certain to do a major COMPLETE DETOX and Cleanse program for your bodies (Magnetic Portal) to deal with
this portion of the Solar Ascension Energy ... at least three times within your 1st year ... if you have not COMPLETED one before. And, again every year for up-keep ... at least once or twice there after.
See more on how you can prepare your VESSEL (Electro-Magnetic Attractor) to be-coming the GOLDEN CHALICE as we head into this wonder-filled Physical Ascension portion of our Planetary Process. Your Light-Body is ready to emerge and come into being ... are you ready? The Alchemy Of Ascension Program may be just what you are looking for. Click on the LIght-Body being below for more info on how brother Little Fox and The F.G.I. Team can assist.
"I just wanted to thank you again for guiding Mamiko and me through the
cleanse & rebuild process this spring. We are vibrating higher than
ever and feel blessed that we were prepared to assimilate all the
energies from the last month --- solar eclipse, full moon eclipse, Venus
transit, solar flares, Summer Solstice -- with relative grace and ease,
as you would say. As a result of the cleanse, I lost 15 lbs. without
trying, our diet evolved to 70% raw, and we both feel wonderful -- in
all four bodies. Mahalo!" - David & Mamiko Bower 2012 Honolulu
Researchers have made a startling correlation between the rise and fall
of solar activity and the human consciousness. Professor Raymond Wheeler
of the University of Kansas has come to the same conclusions that
Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky discovered in 1915. Solar storms directly cause conflict, wars and even death among humans on Earth.
The sun’s activity, as it interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field, effect extensive changes in human being’s perspectives, moods, emotions and behavioral patterns.
A surge in solar activity by 50 times more than previously recorded is anticipated. NASA and other space agencies have been warning of this fact.
Through 2011 and onto 2012, the X-flares are expected to endure toward
their maximum. As this incredible activity is being witnessed, we are
assured that more wars, toppling countries and populations will be
displaced. In 2012 we are seeing these events coming to pass; with only more intensification to come.
as in the nature kingdom ... there truly is NO separation between all
matter. For life begets NEW life and "LIGHT" ... is the source of all
life on this planet. Therefore, Lunar and Solar energies can and do
influence the Human
physical, emotional and mental bodies during these times of the "Solar
Star Portal" Ascension experience of The Great Shift.
AND - > "Remember, not all of what you are "feeling" ...
is yours. Tune into your personal truth and breathe deeply through
these times dear family. This is a very deep Alchemical Ascension
process that The SOLAR SYSTEM is involved in. You are part of this BIG
picture. So remember to just breathe. Indeed. It
would be OPTIMUM for us to seek out how we can include these energies
in our own personal and collective Ascension process ... rather than see
them as threats and/or ... from fear. For we are the Sun, the Moon ...
and the Stars also. Are we not?" - Little Fox & The Ancients
The Sun's magnetic field is reversing, South becoming North, as it does
approximately every 11 years on a cycle, but this time, something even
stranger is going on: The North is moving much faster than the South,
and space scientists aren't sure why.
"Right now, there's an imbalance between the north and the south poles,"
Jonathan Cirtain, NASA's project scientist for a Japanese solar mission
called Hinode, in a recent article on NASA's website. "The north is already in transition, well ahead of the south pole, and we don't understand why."
Further, the asymmetrically reversing solar magnetic field could have an effect on Earth, resulting in increased solar flares and the accompanying bursts of radioactive particles called "coronal mass ejections," or CMEs, that can hit Earth and cause
brilliant Northern Lights displays and problematic geomagnetic solar
storms, according to NASA scientists.
The heliosphere is the immense magnetic bubble containing our solar system, solar wind, and the entire solar magnetic field. It extends well beyond the orbit of Pluto. While the density of particles in the heliosphere is very low (it's a much better vacuum
than is created in a laboratory), it is full of particles of interest
heliospheric scientists. Check out the image below for a diagram of
the heliosphere.
Energetic storm particles (ESPs), accelerated by shocks associated with solar flares and CMEs, are another example of interplanetary acceleration.
Hira Ratan Manek: was born on
12th of September 1937 in Bodhavad, India, was raised in Calicut,
Kerala, India, where he had his Mechanical Engineering degree from the
University of Kerala. After graduation, he joined the family business,
which was shipping and spice trading, and continued working there until
he retired in 1992... more ...
We have a super computer in our
bodies given to us by the nature, which is our brain. HRM (Hira Ratan
Manek) calls it the “brainutor”. The brain is more powerful than the
most advanced super computer. Each and every human being is gifted with
innumerable talents, and infinite inherent powers by nature. Individuals
should never underestimate... more ...
NOTE: This is a Family Gathering Media Portal for education and entertainment purposes only. Permission is
given to share all information from the (F.G.I. Media Pages and the "Adventures Through The Great Shift" Websites, Blogs, Youtube Videos and
Radio Programing.) They MUST be preserved in ORIGINAL format with all
credit given appropriately to the creator/s of said material. - * (FGI
Media 2012) *
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