Family Gathering's International Presents
"Adventures Through The Great Shift Radio Broadcast
This is a Family Gathering Media portal supported by The Family Gathering International TEAM. A "Not For Profit Initiative" Bridging hearts and spirits of like minds and intentions for the Greater Good. Thank you for your support. For its takes Many Hands to make this happen. Blessings to all. - The F.G.I. Team
Greetings dear global soul family ...
Join brother Little Fox as he shares ... the Ascension Wisdom of "The Ancients". "Architects of The Great Shifts".
A Forum for question and answer segments may also be available for certain subjects. For at times The Ancients will ONLY go in the direction that you ... the audience and question askers are guided to direct them. For they see you as the True Masters of the New Earth Journey.
Join us if you so choose ... and share the news with others who may resonate.
This will most certainly be an inaugural celebration with revealing truths and insights from these Ancient Wisdom Keepers & Architects for the Elohim Creator Beings. They will offer their perspectives only on most everything occurring now on the planet and in the Shift. Some of which you have yet to hear before in the mass amount of information now being offed in thes times of great change. Subjects considered but not limited to are:
Truths about the year 2012 and The Great Shift In Consciousness; Your role as a Partner with The Mother; What it takes to get THROUGH this adventure with more GRACE & EASE; How to accomplish the Grounding; the Embodiment and Becoming of your Original Blue Print for Divine Purpose; Connecting to and maintaining your First Source Connection as a Human Vortex of Universal Empowerment; BUILDING MOMENTUM IN OUR LIGHT BODY QUOTIENT FOR TRUE PHYSICAL ASCENSION IN THIS VEHICLE EXPRESSION as the Portal to limitlessness; Manifesting through the Creators' Will and Clarity of thought - True Heart Based 5th Dimensional Co-creation teachings; Building The New Foundations .... Along with other various details, teachings, energy technologies and wisdom about our collective Ascension Journey into ... the New Earth Consciousness Itself ... and more.
Come and be with family. We await your return ... to the feeling of knowing what to means to be - "home". For Heaven is to come to the Earth through YOU ... as the light of the Creators love incarnate. Indeed. - Little Fox Wa'Gosh
"It is as if a GREAT book has been offered to you ... it is your heart that will allow the flow of this wisdom to come forth. And come forth it will ... in love and compassionate passion for the journey. For grains now grow differently than they have before. And it will be up to you to determine the direction of your thoughts and exploration. You are the true creators of your lives" - Consciousness of Gaia 2006
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Above & Below - Within & Without |
May 2012 Scheduled Broadcasts
Our 1st "Meet & greet" show is an Intro segment and is scheduled to air on Thursday May 10, 2012.
Adventures Through The Great Shift |:| Special Intro
Followed by an inaugural series:
Ancient Tools For The Journey: "A New Foundation" Part 1
. . . For more . . .
"Now is the time of our Releasing the Old so as to 'Be-Come' the expansive and limitless New. We must "Be-Come" that which we seek ... This is to be first and foremost in the focus of our attention. And then, the rest of the world, including your family and all that we are connected to ... will follow in your footsteps. Remember to take this journey in grace and ease ... with one HEART Step at a time. And then we shall witness the blessings unfold for all who choose to be of this light as well. For YOU are not, nor have you ever, been alone." - Little Fox The Peaceful One
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