The Ancient Ascension Alchemy
"A Quick Preview"
Below is the 1,500 + yr old "Ancient Ascension Alchemy" Five (5) Energy Body Cleanse, Heal & Rebuild System that brother Little Fox advises all to use. It supports our Physical Ascension & Light Embodiment process - into the Crystalline Homo-Luminous Humans prophesied eons ago - for added Grace & Ease. With the aid of The Ancients and master IM'Hotep, he has RE-Membered the many STAGES, Teachings and formulas once used by the STAR & Planetary priesthoods - from other times and Great Shifts in Consciousness. Through his due diligence we have been able to obtained and share the needed ingredients, modalities, meditations, tools, teachings and methods to AWAKEN the Immortality Genes ... to achieve once again ... the Physical Ascension gift of The Golden Ascension Tower. We are to cleanse, clear, detox, release, heal and then rebuild our inner and outer Temples ... melding both the above and below ... on all (5) Energy Levels (bodies) ... to we strive to achieve the Self Empowerment, Wholeness and Unified Dimensional Self that this "Adventure Through The Great Shift" with Mother GAIA offers us. For SHE WILL Ascend no matter what humanity chooses. No exceptions! Many of these related formulas (natural, herbal, live plant, crystalline waters, flower majik, energetic catalyst and mineral/crystalline kingdom) based components ... have been re-acquired after 15 years of research, successful usage and FGI Team personal experience ... through various bulk suppliers so as to provide the very best of quality ... and pass on the wholesale like cost effectiveness to the family. Therefore, know that ALL proceeds will go to FGI's Global Initiative to OPEN Ascension Centers ... World-Wide. And, know that your participation - in YOUR own Ascension Embodiment process - through the AAA System is very very much appreciated. "From here on dear family ... this Adventure Through The Great Shift ... is about your personal Self Sovereignty and pursuing the Physical Embodiment of your Higher Self - and NO-Thing else. This is indeed the time we have been awaiting. It is up to each one ... to CHOOSE their personal truth." - Wa'GOSH) NOTE: This is NOT a QUICK FIX program. For these 5 STAGES, formulas, processes and practices to Mastery ... are ONLY TOOLS that can create REPEATABLE results for those who so choose. Oh, and by the way, there is also the added value of clarifying personal Truth, Embodying your SOURCE Connection and Original Blue Print for being here on the journey. For all who choose to reboot their (5) Energy Bodies, Cells, DNA and Crystalline Matrix expression ... as we Embody our Higher Self in-to the actual PHYSICAL ... we can release the struggle and enjoy the Adventure through such aids. The time of the Creators is at hand. Are you ready the BE The CHANGE YET !?! This program allows our Vessels or Chalice to "Build The Energy Quotient" and Momentum NEEDED ... to TRULY HOLD more of our Divine Light and Higher Self's "Original Blue Print ... at the Cellular Levels." From here on we leave you to investigate for yourself. Perhaps you can start by READING OUR TESTIMONIES JUST BELOW. Enjoy the Adventure. and remember. When in doubt ... simply BREATHE it out. Note: S&H are already included & Credit Cards are Accepted. For more info click here.
- The F.G.I. Team
- The F.G.I. Team
NOTE: 7 Day Cleanse Starter Kits & 40 Day FULL Systems Available
In The Right Hand Column
Family Gathering's
Ancient Ascension Alchemy
Cleanse & Rebuild System
Balanced Light-Body Of The Virtruvian Man/Woman
Phase One "The Foundation"
Alchemy: The science of DE-constructing and RE-constructing matter, light & consciousness. It is based upon the Law of "Equivalent Exchange". If one wishes to obtain something … something of equal value must be given in its place, transmuted and then transformed.- Ascension Alchemy is the changing or exchanging of one lower density, element, molecular state of being (consciousness) … and its corresponding matter (5 energy bodies) … into another or higher state, less dense form of being, consciousness, matter ... or Quanta of Light.
- Ascension Alchemy is going from the states of: Fear into Love, Pain into Joy, Illness into Vibrant Health, Darkness (Duality) into Light
Therefore, true Ascension Alchemy occurs and is to be pursued . . . FULLY . . . so as to be accomplished on all levels of our (5) Energy Body Matrix: The Spirit, the Electric (Etheric), the Mental, the Emotional and the Physical body . . . right down to ones DNA and cellular or sub-atomic levels.
" The Homo-Luminous Human is when the eternal Light-Body of the I AM begins to emanate it's Mastery upon the Earth. "
- The Ancients
The Physical Embodiment of the Higher Self and its' Ascension ... is our goal for this life-time. We are to REMAIN in these bodies and RAISE our Light Quotient. It's an incredible Dream-Weaving, momentum building adventure ... from the 3rd Light Density of the 4th Dimension (3D Matrix) … into the 4th Light Density of the 5th Dimension (5D Matrix).
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* Ascension Alchemy Cleanse & Rebuild Testimony *
"I just wanted to thank you again for guiding Mamiko and me through the cleanse & rebuild process this spring. We are vibrating higher than ever and feel blessed that we were prepared to assimilate all the energies from the last month --- solar eclipse, full moon eclipse, Venus transit, solar flares, Summer Solstice -- with relative grace and ease, as you would say. As a result of the cleanse, I lost 15 lbs. without trying, our diet evolved to 70% raw, and we both feel wonderful -- in all four bodies. Mahalo!" - David & Mamiko Bower 2012 Honolulu Hawaii
We Are Sharing A FEW (3) Quick "Foundational" Videos For Building The Awareness Of WHY Cleansing Our (5) Energy Bodies And Especially Our Physical Vessel (Or Golden Chalice) ... Is Needed To Truly Pursue The Physical Ascension PATH Into The Homo-Luminous Hu-Man.
. . . Video Number One . . .
2012 DNA Changes
Secrets of Carbon 7
Upcoming change within the human DNA is a guarantee. Whether it happens from neutrinos that are emitted by the sun, by some cosmic ray blast from Sirius A or B or other means. Already there are multiple new sea creature that were never seen before, and for you smart asses I am not talking about fish that are 300m bellow sea level. The new fish that are been found on shallow waters could and probably is an indication that there is a biological change within DNA that is happening at this very moment on earth.
David Wilcock explains some of the most important discoveries about the pineal gland, which is in the human brain, which are detailed at length in his seminal new book and masterpiece "Source Field Investigations". This is cutting edge science and spirituality that will change the world for the better when it is fully understood. From mental, physical and spiritual health, the functioning of the pineal gland is critical.
. . . Video Number THREE . . . "TRUE DETOX CAN ONLY HAPPEN AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL" - Dr. Pompa of Revelation Health
"Green cleaning and lifestyle is not only green for the environment and earth it is safe for the health your children and family. We focus on greening the planet by regulating industry but we need to green our homes, food, and body for our health. Dr. Pompa explains the top 10 toxins that are not green or friendly to the earth or you, polluting not only the environment but causing cancer and other health problems. Be eco friendly and nontoxic to your body.
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Intro To The F.G.I. "Physical Ascension
And Light-Body Assistance" Program:
- Physical Ascension & Embodiment
- A KEY That Must Be Realized & Pursued
- Preparing The Golden Chalice And Ascension Tower of Life/Light
- Cleansing, Clearing, Detoxing, Releasing & Rebuilding (Healing)
- Becoming The Crystalline Ascended, Enlightened Immortal Ones
- The Formulas and Processes to Rejuvenation and Reverse Aging
- NOTE: Try NOT to skip over the above Sections amd go straight to the Formula Section below without reviewing all. Information is power ONLY if YOU use it for your own Ascension Journey and Self Mastery. So we say, "get to know your personal truth abd path that your higher self is and has already created. Alignment with your journey is key. You are the returning masters. Own this. Completly!
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Welcome New Earth traveler. Within these virtual walls are proven KEYS to a system which may lead one to a higher quality of life, unlimited health & a potential for True Homo-Luminous Light-Body BE-coming ... into the Ascended Ones.
7 - DAY - 40 Day & Couples Discounted Kits Above or In Column TOP Right
For the complete EMBODIMENT of ... The All That YOU Are ... is what your journey is really all about. Is it not? By means of unraveling 1,000's of years of Ancient Texts and Ascension Teachings from other times of "Great Shifts" both on Earth & Beyond ... Brother Little Fox (Wa`GOSH) and The Team have been able to decipher through 15 years of personal experience, trial and error ... what has been a tremendous break through in linking many teachings, understandings and modalities from the Ancient times ... into the modern time. Which we feel is to be just in time ... for our current Planetary Ascension NEEDS during this the Great Shift into the New Earth energy.
With the help of "The Ancients" and various Masters, Healers and Ascension Architects like Master IM`Hotep ... We have been able to bring together a well rounded and easy to understand process for direct, efficient and VERY OPTIMUM systems ... formulas for anyone to follow and use for their own personal truth discovery and Ascension Adventure. Be-coming what The Ancients call, "The Golden Chalice or Pillar of Light" is and has always been the calling for many of you/us throughout time. Seeking out the KEYS to Enlightenment and PHYSICAL Light-Body Ascension ... becoming initiates of various mysteries, orders and spiritual pursuits throughout time and space over and over again ... getting us all to this ONE great VICTORIOUS moment in the evolution of Mother Earth and Humanity. Indeed! It has been a grand adventure ... wouldn't you say? So, without further ado ... we introduce to you the pinnacle of 6 years of sharing and experimenting and 15 years of actual EX-periencing the Alchemical journey of both brother Little Fox The Peaceful One ... and the F.G.I. Team.
Supporting Videos
From this grounding and foundational rebuilding place we can receive the next layer of what "The Ancients" call, "The Ascension Alchemy" Instructions on how to TRULY HOLD this light ... vs .... the repeating of the old cycles, habits, stories, drama, time-loops and energy depleting experiences which can keep one in a state of constant pause or processing and reviewing of OLD lessons and experiences ... over and over again. Have you noticed this about yours' and others' recent spiritual journey? So many have been reaching a plateau and do not know why they continue hitting their heads up against a an illusory stone wall. There is indeed a most recognizable time loop plaguing the majority of Light Workers who have inadvertently started to find reasons (ego mind created) to pause. And, pause they are ... but for longer than necessary. Indeed, this is bringing forth a repeating of many: patterns, lessons, people, relationships, experiences, manifestations and cycles once thought to have already been dealt with or released?
Our Consciousness (thoughts) & SUN Energy Are Changing US! It's Time To Take Advantage Of The Solar Ascension Process To Rebuild A New Foundation
"There is a correlation to your QUALITY of experience in relation to your Magnetic Attractor when viewing your life from the essence of The law Of Attraction. You are what you think. Therefore, you are what you eat (energy intake) as well. This like attracts like goes for ALL of your consciousness, not just your thoughts." - Little Fox The Peaceful One
The FOUNDATION is in need of true & complete clearing, cleansing, detoxing, releasing and healing ... To make your Ascension path fully complete. And, from our estimate, over 80% of the Light Workers family are still repeating, re-cycling and re-living tie loop experiences because of this very fact. And with this knowledge brother Little Fox had realized quite early on in his own "Avatar Heart" Awakening processes that many are still repeating old patterns, stories, lessons and energy addiction cycles because ... they are not aware of the many layers upon layers of density matter/materials and cellular memory contributors (energy debris/patterns) one must clear energetically from the ENTIRE 5 Energy Body System ... all at once ... starting with the focus of the human 3D bridge to the OLD consciousness. The vessel (temple base) ... that holds the "magnetic and/or electric" charge of all your STORIES and many DUALITY frequency connections in the first place. YES. You must embody all of your I AM that YOU are into your PHYSICAL 3D body expression as it builds momentum in the state of Quantum Photonic Light on the way to the 4th Light and 5th Dimensional self. For indeed. All is well and all is being done. And in this knowledge The Ancients say this, "The Ascension and Enlightenment movement is in somewhat of stalling pattern as of late on the planet." "It's as if a glass ceiling has been reached.", according to the Ancients. Have you been feeling and seeing this as well. Many are still repeating the OLD ... while awaiting for something to happen ... for someone to give permission ... or perhaps a messenger to change this stalemate. But, who or what they are awaiting dear friends ... IS the I Am that they already are. is it not? So, to remember to take a deep breathe when you feel the walls closing in so as to release that which no longer serves you is paramount. But, we can also take solace and remember that NOT all of what you are feeling or clearing .. is all yours. You are clearing it and releasing it for YOUR other selves (dimensionally) your family (human lineage) your soul, STAR or angelic family group, the Earth itself and so on ... True, it might be stored in your 5 energy bodies and your vessel's may sheaths and layers ... BUT ... It's NOT all yours.
"However, you did choose to bring it with you for clearing NOW and for ever ... this final life-time. This is the lifetime you have been waiting for. So you are to truly RELEASE all that is NOT your truth any longer in the illusions of this world in so-called KARMA and duality. Fully and completely! Right down to your very cells, DNA, Atoms and Electrons etc. For this is the way of The Ancient Wisdom and the way one can expansively re-boot their entire energetic make-up for TRUE physical Ascension. "True. You can eventually do all the other things being shared out there these days and clear yourself energetically etc etc ... BUT, you will find yourself repeating OLD cycles and stories if you don't eventually FOCUS on the physical vessel ... the Magnetic Vessel itself ... which holds the container for the entire Spirit Self and your journey's mapping in the Universal Flow of Manifestation. The Law of Attraction. "The Vessel must be cleared, cleansed and released of all energetic debris in order to HOLD your light, expand your Light-Body Quotient, build the momentum needed to EMBODY your Higher Selves Original Blue Print for being here ... and integrate into your fields your Electric Body's energy Sheaths ... or what beloved brother Yeshua & the Buddha called, The Seamless Body." - Master IM`Hotep It is then that your personal experience in the Law of Attraction will bring to you your true inheritance. And, you will really get to see first hand what it means to live in great awe daily ... while experiencing this Universal LAW. Remember the old adage, "Like attracts Like." Therefore, choose to create a MAGNETIC version of self that is a CLEAR attractor as a consciously choosing co-creator. Rather than a slave or illusory victim to constant story, repetitive processing and magnetically attracted habitual circumstance, people and energy leaking games.
Cleanse, clear and detox your cellular Magnetic Attractor (the physical self) ... And this will enhance GREATLY your emotional,. mental, spiritual (etheric) body's clearing, cleansing, releasing and healing processes as well. For is the Physical Body, your Magnet, is cleansed in unison with your entire journey ... the chances for repeating cycles and stories is reduced to echos which can be taken care vi the mental process of re-programing your thoughts. Can you see this correlation? For it is almost like a, "DUH I should of had a V-8" moment for some. Apply your healing and releasing process to ALL of your energy bodies simultaneously to create TRUE Clearing and re-booting! And do this during every uncovered BLOCK or story upon your discovering it. "For indeed. Grace & ease on this wonderful journey of the current Earth Ascension is and can be yours. You must only choose, trust and then ... allow ... the grandest and most OPTIMUM of adventures available. And this COMPLETE gift from the Ancients which we are ONLY sharing a portion of thus far .... is only ONE of the many layers and KEYS available for a more joy-full journey." - Indeed. A very powerful insight this can be for those who are ready and determined to pursue spiritual maturity! Now what those of you who may be saying energy choices and a change of diet are all that i need to do to get the same results. Yes, we agree that a more conscious lifestyle and and higher "Life-Force" directed lifestyle ... on all levels of your experience and choices ... is ALSO needed. This can be applied to the quality of foods eaten, your drinking and bathing water supply, the entertainment you choose, your living-working environment, your home temple base, your chosen associates and friendships, who you are exposing yourself to daily in the work place and at school etc. You can become that which you seek ... enveloping yourself in that same vibration and higher frequency. Both within ... and without. And most certainly. When it comes to the Sacred Body Temple. The new/old adage, "You can not fill a cup that is already full" ... still comes to mind. "The PHYSICAL body must GO with you and be "CLEAR" for the Ascension Process to be completed. This time you are to take it with you in glorious light rather than pass through the Veil and Wall of Fire again in death." - The Ancients For you will have a difficult time managing your energy, if that which you digest or ingest in energy ... what you truly need to build your Light Body Quotient's momentum and actually HOLD your Light ... if your system is not able to "receive it" fully.
"Just as the Mother your beautiful Earth is so doing. You too are to clear, cleanse, detox, release and then rebalanced or integrate (be healed) into your expansive Light-Filled selves. For you already remember that You are HER and she is YOU. A mirror in energy and physical matter, and a reflection of the healing, releasing and expanding Ascension process itself." - Master IM`Hotep
"Therefore, this Golden Chalice or Vessel of Immortality has been sought after by many an educated seeker of the Mystery Schools and Alchemical Lore of Old. And yet few, if almost none, have been able to truly determine the truth behind this Golden Vessel known to impart the Elixir of Life and Light. For enlightenment, self realization, psychic gifts, the so-called miracles of prophecy, Immortality, expanded youthfulness and vitality ... these are all By-Products of YOUR choosing to bring the entirety of your FULL self, including the physical vessel, into your Ascension Journey. "This Chalice, this Golden Tower, this Pillar of Eternal Life's Light ... IS YOU." - Little Fox "You see. We sense that ALL of you reading this right now ... already KNOW this in the recesses of your minds and hearts. However, no one has yet to bring ALL aspects, layers and realities of SELF into the process ... simultaneously. For it can become very easy for one to get lost and confused with so many terms, words, languages, perspectives and view points about this poignant subject of Ascension. And, with so many different teachers, teachings, subjects and paths to go, its no wonder that with all of these potentials before us, one can have the challenge of being able to FOCUS and gain true CLARITY for which path is the MOST OPTIMUM one for them. And, we at F.G.I. choose to pursue and support only that which can bring one to their Personal truth and Special Vibration they are meant to share with all ... for the betterment of The Greater Good.
"Therefore, to assist as many as possible in this NOW planetary exploration into the New Earth potentials ... Brother Little Fox & The Ancients have been working for the last 6 years on how we can bring this Mysterious Majikal energy and process into modern day times ... and ... in a way the ALL might be able to KEEP IT SPIRITUALLY Simple (The KISS Method). And, easily understand or acquire the Energetic, Quantum Light building MOMENTUM needed to "Go Through" this Planetary Ascension Process. Indeed, hopefully we can shed some light on how it can be done with more grace and ease as well. No more constant repeating, recycling and habitual redundant experiences that were already dealt with. For some have been awaiting this type of sharing to end these cyclical time loops of debilitating energy leaks, stories and games. Indeed, for many are asking to be done with ... THE DRAMA GAMES ... lol. "For struggle is a thing of the illusory past and has no place in your New Earth reality as you co-create the NEXT foundation for you and all choosing to "BE" the Great Shift itself." - The Ancients YES! It's time to release the illusion of struggle dear brothers and siSTARS. It's time to invite into yourself the fullness that YOU/WE are. Cleanse & Rebuild System Testimony cont - "As a result of the cleanse, I lost 15 lbs. without trying, our diet evolved to 70% raw, and we are both feeling wonderful -- in all four energy bodies. Mahalo!" - David Bower 2012 - Honolulu Hawaii Therefore, if you have gotten to know brother Little Fox, The Peaceful One, even a little. You have come to realize that he very much enjoys seeking out the means to share with others ... that reflects ONLY that which is the most "OPTIMUM" and efficient of SOLID modalities and timeless sharings. He wishes for all to truly enjoy the adventure in Grace & Ease. One which reflects the Ancient Wisdom of The 15D Ascension Architects.
We are certain that this recent Wholly, Complete and Expansive Cleanse, Clear, Release, Heal and Rebuild Natural Herbal 500 Year Old Cleans & Rebuild System will aid all in what ever resonance they may find for their Physical Ascension Adventure ... A system that is repeatable, easy to share and will reflect both that which is of a modern understanding and yet still rooted in The time tested "Ancient" & eternal practice of Alchemical beauty and BE-Coming The Golden Chalice Of Ascension.
Ascension Master & Healer IM`Hotep |
NOTE: Try A 7 Day Cleanse Starter Kit - OR - A 40 Day FULL Systems
Both Are Available ABOVE - or - The * TOP * Right Hand Column ---> Supporting Videos
TEDx Orange Coast - Lindsey Duncan -
Transcending the Borders to Optimum Health
Why This Simple & Clear Formula IS Needed
Your entire Higher Self Embodiment & Ascension process can be greatly assisted with these time tested formulas & systems gleaned from The Ancients. For the Ethric (Electric) Spirit body we address the needs of all through a very specific Cosmic meditation practices. And for the mental & emotional bodies we add the above in direct concert with an ancient and very almost lost clearing, cleansing, releasing and then RE-BUILDING modality aimed at re-booting your Crystalline & EMF Energy Field/s ... and in conclusion ... we share our special and very powerful Ancient yet recently renewed 500 +/- year old Ayurvedicly balanced Naturally Holistic Herbal formula/s to bring a true and complete Cleanse & Rebuilding aspect to ones Light body Be-coming physical expression. Through this complete 5 body System and formulas, The Golden ELIXIR has been revealed once again ... and ... The Family Gathering International Team has been able to assist many on the path who have chosen to Ascend while still in their physical bodies. In true concert and Alchemical mastery the physical Ascension journey is able to build in momentum for anyone choosing the path of spiritual maturity ... by earnestly raising their Light-Body Quotient. And, it is from this clear FOUNDATION that is refreshed, rejuvenated, revitalized and re-booted ... that the higher self can infuse the Vessel (Chalice) so as to naturally remember its Original Blue Print for being here. All of this adds tremendous grace and ease as one embodies their Original "New Earth" Creation Matrix or Template.From this grounding and foundational rebuilding place we can receive the next layer of what "The Ancients" call, "The Ascension Alchemy" Instructions on how to TRULY HOLD this light ... vs .... the repeating of the old cycles, habits, stories, drama, time-loops and energy depleting experiences which can keep one in a state of constant pause or processing and reviewing of OLD lessons and experiences ... over and over again. Have you noticed this about yours' and others' recent spiritual journey? So many have been reaching a plateau and do not know why they continue hitting their heads up against a an illusory stone wall. There is indeed a most recognizable time loop plaguing the majority of Light Workers who have inadvertently started to find reasons (ego mind created) to pause. And, pause they are ... but for longer than necessary. Indeed, this is bringing forth a repeating of many: patterns, lessons, people, relationships, experiences, manifestations and cycles once thought to have already been dealt with or released?
The Magnetic Self - Your Foundation From Which You Build
A Piece To The Puzzle
You, your thoughts and your physical body are a Magnetic Compass and Attractor. Therefore, not many know you must ALSO clear, cleanse and detox your physical (magnet) right down to the cellular memory as well ... when embarking upon a releasing or clearing process in ones' spiritual journey towards sovereignty and the gift of Ascension. Mother Gaia is doing it hourly, daily and constantly. Why not you...?![](
! Try a 7 Day Trial Cleanse Kit Found in the RIGHT Hand Column !
! Satisfaction GUARANTEED !
Our Consciousness (thoughts) & SUN Energy Are Changing US! It's Time To Take Advantage Of The Solar Ascension Process To Rebuild A New Foundation
Here's What We've Discovered About Clearing The Magnetics
From The Ancient Initiations of The Past Ascension Journeys
Brother Little Fox The Peaceful One and The Ancients have been taking stock in the many stories still being played out in the Holographic (3-4 D physical & emotional realms) .. and .. they have correspondingly connected parallel potentials and timelines that have aimed so much of our focus on the MOMENTUM behind December 2012. And, what they have to share with us will shock some but strongly confirm for the few ... exactly what has been going on. Continue reading below for a more expanded view of the landscape. There will be more in-depth sharing to come about this. This explanation from The Ancients will explain why some may have started the movement into spirituality and "Light-Working" ... but ... have recently in the later year of 2011 and now 2012 ... have peaked out or have been stuck in repeating OLD patterns and cycles ... without TRUE momentum building for their PERSONAL Physical Ascension process."There is a correlation to your QUALITY of experience in relation to your Magnetic Attractor when viewing your life from the essence of The law Of Attraction. You are what you think. Therefore, you are what you eat (energy intake) as well. This like attracts like goes for ALL of your consciousness, not just your thoughts." - Little Fox The Peaceful One
A KEY That Must Be Realized & Pursued
"The KEY is to remember that we are eternal beings, who are bridging heaven (our higher selves) to the Earth plane through our physical vessels as the ELECTRICAL - MAGNETIC being of consciousness ... for holding the HIGHER SELVES awareness as we move into expansive higher light with The Mother Earth. "Indeed what you think about you bring about. But, what you think about is not always YOUR thoughts, feelings, fear, pain, story or junk (energetic debris). Indeed. Some of it is from your environment. Yes this is true. However, even more unknown is that what you have been working at clearing, cleansing, detoxing, releasing and healing from your energy bodies for the Ascension process and Enlightenment journey ... is also from the cellular memory you carry from past/present/future selves ... YOUR ASPECTS. Therefore, if you combine that with the many "Familial-Parental-Patterns" that you may have chosen to inherited from soul family of physical family lineage to clear ... well, you have quite the mix of energetic 3D debris in your adventure to clear and re-boot ... indeed. There are many layers upon layers to include on the road to the Ascended Homo-Luminous being. Have you been missing some of them? If so, then your practice and process to mastery is not whole, complete nor able to be so until you include ALL of your I AM Consciousness in the process.The FOUNDATION is in need of true & complete clearing, cleansing, detoxing, releasing and healing ... To make your Ascension path fully complete. And, from our estimate, over 80% of the Light Workers family are still repeating, re-cycling and re-living tie loop experiences because of this very fact. And with this knowledge brother Little Fox had realized quite early on in his own "Avatar Heart" Awakening processes that many are still repeating old patterns, stories, lessons and energy addiction cycles because ... they are not aware of the many layers upon layers of density matter/materials and cellular memory contributors (energy debris/patterns) one must clear energetically from the ENTIRE 5 Energy Body System ... all at once ... starting with the focus of the human 3D bridge to the OLD consciousness. The vessel (temple base) ... that holds the "magnetic and/or electric" charge of all your STORIES and many DUALITY frequency connections in the first place. YES. You must embody all of your I AM that YOU are into your PHYSICAL 3D body expression as it builds momentum in the state of Quantum Photonic Light on the way to the 4th Light and 5th Dimensional self. For indeed. All is well and all is being done. And in this knowledge The Ancients say this, "The Ascension and Enlightenment movement is in somewhat of stalling pattern as of late on the planet." "It's as if a glass ceiling has been reached.", according to the Ancients. Have you been feeling and seeing this as well. Many are still repeating the OLD ... while awaiting for something to happen ... for someone to give permission ... or perhaps a messenger to change this stalemate. But, who or what they are awaiting dear friends ... IS the I Am that they already are. is it not? So, to remember to take a deep breathe when you feel the walls closing in so as to release that which no longer serves you is paramount. But, we can also take solace and remember that NOT all of what you are feeling or clearing .. is all yours. You are clearing it and releasing it for YOUR other selves (dimensionally) your family (human lineage) your soul, STAR or angelic family group, the Earth itself and so on ... True, it might be stored in your 5 energy bodies and your vessel's may sheaths and layers ... BUT ... It's NOT all yours.
How Do We Get Started in CLEARING & Rebuilding Our Foundation?
"However, you did choose to bring it with you for clearing NOW and for ever ... this final life-time. This is the lifetime you have been waiting for. So you are to truly RELEASE all that is NOT your truth any longer in the illusions of this world in so-called KARMA and duality. Fully and completely! Right down to your very cells, DNA, Atoms and Electrons etc. For this is the way of The Ancient Wisdom and the way one can expansively re-boot their entire energetic make-up for TRUE physical Ascension. "True. You can eventually do all the other things being shared out there these days and clear yourself energetically etc etc ... BUT, you will find yourself repeating OLD cycles and stories if you don't eventually FOCUS on the physical vessel ... the Magnetic Vessel itself ... which holds the container for the entire Spirit Self and your journey's mapping in the Universal Flow of Manifestation. The Law of Attraction. "The Vessel must be cleared, cleansed and released of all energetic debris in order to HOLD your light, expand your Light-Body Quotient, build the momentum needed to EMBODY your Higher Selves Original Blue Print for being here ... and integrate into your fields your Electric Body's energy Sheaths ... or what beloved brother Yeshua & the Buddha called, The Seamless Body." - Master IM`Hotep It is then that your personal experience in the Law of Attraction will bring to you your true inheritance. And, you will really get to see first hand what it means to live in great awe daily ... while experiencing this Universal LAW. Remember the old adage, "Like attracts Like." Therefore, choose to create a MAGNETIC version of self that is a CLEAR attractor as a consciously choosing co-creator. Rather than a slave or illusory victim to constant story, repetitive processing and magnetically attracted habitual circumstance, people and energy leaking games.
NOTE: The 7 Day Cleanse Starter Kits & 40 Day FULL Systems Are Available ABOVE - or - In The Right Hand Column !!! GET STARTED TODAY !!!
Cleanse, clear and detox your cellular Magnetic Attractor (the physical self) ... And this will enhance GREATLY your emotional,. mental, spiritual (etheric) body's clearing, cleansing, releasing and healing processes as well. For is the Physical Body, your Magnet, is cleansed in unison with your entire journey ... the chances for repeating cycles and stories is reduced to echos which can be taken care vi the mental process of re-programing your thoughts. Can you see this correlation? For it is almost like a, "DUH I should of had a V-8" moment for some. Apply your healing and releasing process to ALL of your energy bodies simultaneously to create TRUE Clearing and re-booting! And do this during every uncovered BLOCK or story upon your discovering it. "For indeed. Grace & ease on this wonderful journey of the current Earth Ascension is and can be yours. You must only choose, trust and then ... allow ... the grandest and most OPTIMUM of adventures available. And this COMPLETE gift from the Ancients which we are ONLY sharing a portion of thus far .... is only ONE of the many layers and KEYS available for a more joy-full journey." - Indeed. A very powerful insight this can be for those who are ready and determined to pursue spiritual maturity! Now what those of you who may be saying energy choices and a change of diet are all that i need to do to get the same results. Yes, we agree that a more conscious lifestyle and and higher "Life-Force" directed lifestyle ... on all levels of your experience and choices ... is ALSO needed. This can be applied to the quality of foods eaten, your drinking and bathing water supply, the entertainment you choose, your living-working environment, your home temple base, your chosen associates and friendships, who you are exposing yourself to daily in the work place and at school etc. You can become that which you seek ... enveloping yourself in that same vibration and higher frequency. Both within ... and without. And most certainly. When it comes to the Sacred Body Temple. The new/old adage, "You can not fill a cup that is already full" ... still comes to mind. "The PHYSICAL body must GO with you and be "CLEAR" for the Ascension Process to be completed. This time you are to take it with you in glorious light rather than pass through the Veil and Wall of Fire again in death." - The Ancients For you will have a difficult time managing your energy, if that which you digest or ingest in energy ... what you truly need to build your Light Body Quotient's momentum and actually HOLD your Light ... if your system is not able to "receive it" fully.
TEDxOrangeCoast - Lindsey Duncan -
Transcending the Borders to Optimum Health
This is a majorly missed Truth dear family. Yes! Receive much in the way of the highest life force in foods, the many minerals needed to become crystalline, the cellular foods needed for the Photonic Light to gracefully enter your systems at the cellular level etc ... But no modality, practice or diet can have its full effect ... unless you, cleanse, clear, detox and rebuild or re-create ... the CLEARED Foundational VESSEL. The Sacred container needed to HOLD such a powerful Light and Electrical Energy is indeed a powerful KEY. More so than most know. "Indeed. You MUST be-come That which you seek ... FIRST ... and in all things. For mankind does not fully LOVE itself, or it's gift of the wondrous physical body. For this is a powerful reflection we are currently viewing in humanity's perspective and relationship with the Earth. For they do not embrace their commission fully in being the divine stewards (Lovers) of the Mother Earth and her vessel (body) ... either. There is no separation. Love yourselves fully and you will see all of mankind take up the mantle in loving the Earth ... FULLY." - Little Fox "Mind you now. We are not saying that it is the only layer of the process needed for TRUE physical Ascension. But it is an outstanding insight and can aid in accomplishing the goal for those very much desiring to be IN Alignment with potential success. For those choosing to BE the Greta Shift. For those who are serious about this great gift of Physical Ascension. It pays to have multiple angles being pursued towards more grace & ease on the path. Especially as the energy becomes more powerful, more penetrating and the planetary process speeds up ever more so in the coming phases of the adventure.This very aspect of the path has been a strong KEY for many Ascended Masters throughout the ages. Now you see why we have desired to share such enlightening information and confirmations.
NOTE: 7 Day Cleanse Starter Kits & 40 Day FULL Systems Available ABOVE - or -
In The Right Hand Column
A Second KEY That Is Ready To Be Acted Upon
"Therefore, it is time to do what some have been feeling but were not sure how to execute. You are to TRULY CLEAN house and become, embody and include in all of your spiritual works ... the expansiveness of your Higher Self and your 12 Aspects of Your I AM self ... or your Dimensionality ... and your lower subtle bodies tied to the Earth Journeys ... in your process of EMBODIMENT. "Or, as some recall the saying, "To become the infinite of The All That Is of The Above and The Below, The Within and The Without" in our energetic practices, meditations and point of perception. For we are the Cosmic (above) being having a Human (below) experience. All True Shamans KNOW this ... from both experience and a constant 24/7 connection through many adventures with the spirit realms and kingdoms ... as truth. "Now what does that mean exactly. Well, although many are mostly focused on feeling, sensing and tuning into the ABOVE or HIGHER planes, energies, dimensions, worlds, planets and Higher Selves ... they have forgotten to also pay attention to the totality of who and what they are here on the Earth Plane. "The extremes of awareness come into play for most. Paying attention to one aspect while neglecting the other/s ... until forced to observe them for the sake of healing or cycles or processing after a nice God Smack comes in some form of story. "Brother Little Fox says that this is another KEY that will be share with those who choose to work and co-create with us and these potential wisdom gifts of The Ancients. "For instance. Many have been neglecting the need to prepare their SOLID FOUNDATION ... first ... in that of the physical vessel (Earthly Aspect Of Selves) must be prepared into becoming a HOLDER and SOLID container of the expansive Quantum or Photonic Light ... at the both the cellular and sub-atomic levels of ones entire consciousness. "And this is to be reflected in our entire journey ... right down to the Energetics of your entire daily lives and activity when it comes to how we interact with all forms of energy. Such as our precious gift of the physical vessel. The manifested Human B-O-D-Y. "Those who have forgotten to focus and bring the human vessel into the picture simultaneously are experiencing very TOP heavy energetics causing what can at times be ungrounded-ness whereby they are not able to feel HERE and able to ground their visions, dreams or relationships in the way they KNOW it can be. They are feeling overly sensitive form concentrating their attention to TOP - Higher Chakra activities and channeling ... but are not able to complete the most simple of daily tasks or mundane living needs ... IN JOY! Yes it is getting done ... eventually. But there is NO JOY in being here. Living Life for the purpose of LIFE itself! Let alone in Grace & Ease which is very much needed of we are to feel safe, secure, supported in the Co-creating portion of the adventure. For we are to create a NEW foundation so as to bring in the NEW Earth potentials. TRUE? "For struggle is a thing of the illusory past and has no place in your New Earth reality as you co-create the NEXT foundation for you and all choosing to "BE" the Great Shift itself." - The Ancients "Therefore, since heaven is to come through YOU/US as the clear bridge for such glorious perfection ... does it not point clearly that WE as the Bridger's are to have clarity as well so as to hear our Higher Selves and spirit family in the co-creating ...? Indeed. We cant tell you how many simply seek clarity for their choices, missions, purposes and divinity. And yet, you need only tune into HOW clear your Antenna is to know what level of clarity you are transmitting and or will be receiving, Common sense to most ... but it is still a challenge to bring about Consistent manifesting of CLEAR Mind/Body/Spirit Connections and Channeling of the expansive frequencies. A challenge that will continue to become exasperated as the Ascension Process continues into faster oscillation (speed) and more grand in its unfolding."Just as the Mother your beautiful Earth is so doing. You too are to clear, cleanse, detox, release and then rebalanced or integrate (be healed) into your expansive Light-Filled selves. For you already remember that You are HER and she is YOU. A mirror in energy and physical matter, and a reflection of the healing, releasing and expanding Ascension process itself." - Master IM`Hotep
"Therefore, this Golden Chalice or Vessel of Immortality has been sought after by many an educated seeker of the Mystery Schools and Alchemical Lore of Old. And yet few, if almost none, have been able to truly determine the truth behind this Golden Vessel known to impart the Elixir of Life and Light. For enlightenment, self realization, psychic gifts, the so-called miracles of prophecy, Immortality, expanded youthfulness and vitality ... these are all By-Products of YOUR choosing to bring the entirety of your FULL self, including the physical vessel, into your Ascension Journey. "This Chalice, this Golden Tower, this Pillar of Eternal Life's Light ... IS YOU." - Little Fox "You see. We sense that ALL of you reading this right now ... already KNOW this in the recesses of your minds and hearts. However, no one has yet to bring ALL aspects, layers and realities of SELF into the process ... simultaneously. For it can become very easy for one to get lost and confused with so many terms, words, languages, perspectives and view points about this poignant subject of Ascension. And, with so many different teachers, teachings, subjects and paths to go, its no wonder that with all of these potentials before us, one can have the challenge of being able to FOCUS and gain true CLARITY for which path is the MOST OPTIMUM one for them. And, we at F.G.I. choose to pursue and support only that which can bring one to their Personal truth and Special Vibration they are meant to share with all ... for the betterment of The Greater Good.
The Potential For Grace & Ease On The Path
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ISIS - The Golden Pillar Of Life |
We are certain that this recent Wholly, Complete and Expansive Cleanse, Clear, Release, Heal and Rebuild Natural Herbal 500 Year Old Cleans & Rebuild System will aid all in what ever resonance they may find for their Physical Ascension Adventure ... A system that is repeatable, easy to share and will reflect both that which is of a modern understanding and yet still rooted in The time tested "Ancient" & eternal practice of Alchemical beauty and BE-Coming The Golden Chalice Of Ascension.
NOTE: 7 Day Cleanse Starter Kits & 40 Day FULL Systems Available ABOVE - or -
In The Right Hand Column
PHASE ONE - The Physical Vessel MUST Become Clear "You Are The New Foundation"
After researching for some 15+ years, through actual personal use, countless offerings of such formulas ... brother Little Fox and the F.G.I. Team have chosen to continue sharing this particular Ancient formula & processes that comes form a Holistic Mediterranean Lineage at our healing center events ... to aid in our cleansing & rebuilding that which will bring our Physical & Subtle Bodies (12 Chak'Ra, Crystalline Structure, 12 DNA Strands, Quantum Light Filled Cells & Meridians) into balance for a Complete & TRUE Light-Body Ascension Process. For this is the Lifetime you've chosen to complete the task ... as we journey through the Great Shift currently under way. Is it not?
"We have also RE-discovered a wonderful side effect with the aid of The Ancient Ones and Master Healer Ascension Architect IM`Hotep ... in that we are able to raise & actually HOLD our light ... fully & completely at the cellular level ... upon clearing and re-building the many needed layers of our Light-Body processes. And, such is the way it should be dear family ... if we are each choosing to fully COMPLETE the many past/present/future aspect embodiments and lifetime clearings of illusions of Karma (fear) through any cleansing program. It must be complete so as to NO longer entertain repeated cycles, patterns and habitual behaviors of the OLD version of you. Right down to your physical body's cellular and sub-atomic memory ... this must be done." - Little Fox The Peaceful One
This has been a great KEY for brother Little Fox's personal journey. And for those who have listened and followed in the path already laid before us for 1,000's of years. Indeed, many of you dear brothers and siSTARs have gone through such processes before as your other aspects of past/future lives ... as initiates of the many Mystery Schools and Teaching Orders ... so as to prepare your vessels for your Physical Ascension then.
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“As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without” |
Therefore, brother Little Fox & our Team simply wish to share this grand opportunity. For all to experience the tremendous Grace & Ease that can be yours ... through this process. Indeed, so as to lessen the illusion of struggle in your personal Ascension Journey ... once more ... in the now.
"For all is in accordance to ones personal truth and path towards EMBODIMENT ... in the spark of divine timing. Indeed." - L/FKnow that, as bio-electric beings with now expanding electrical functions into Crystalline-Light ... This portion of the embodiment for your Ascension journey could not be more needed than ever before. For grounding, earthing, meridian attunement with The Mother and her many shifts, for tapping into the Immortality Elixir of Life's Light ... as the Golden Chalice. This and more is what you are all becoming if you so choose. This is your birth right. But, you must do more than simply desire it. You must do what is needed to embody it. To clear, cleanse, detox, release, heal and then rebuild ... fully and completely.
You must clear, cleanse, detox, release and then rebuild (heal) your entire physical vessel from the cells & DNA on out/up ... so as to raise your Light-Body Quotient, to embody your Higher Self's "Seamless Body" or energetics ... and ... to truly HOLD/BUILD the momentum (energy) needed for the Homo-Luminous Light-Body journey to be completed into be-coming the 4th Light and 5th Dimension Vibration and frequencies. Indeed. Some are already there through sheer endurance, diligent constancy and very hard work. However, we at F.G.I. see the need for repeatable, dependable and SIMPLE systems tools and practices that can bring about more Grace & Ease in the journey. Brother Little Fox is always attuning us to this fact that Power and Force are not one and the same. That joy and love are no longer about struggle. But, wisdom that comes from experience can bring about great rewards to those who choose to live, breathe and live from this expansive perspective. Choose that which is most OPTIMUM for your highest good and joy. Although the clear path may not always be obvious. Choosing what is the most OPTIMUM is always what the Angels & Spirit Guides try to whisper into your ears in their undying love and patience for all. Is it not? Therefore, "choosing that which is most Optimum for your highest good and joy ... while calling in and allowing yourself to experience the journey with grace and ease as the desire ... Well, you will discover my dear friends that these two energies are always going to be one and the same. This becomes crystal clear as you move more into your awareness and Self-Mastery of higher Vibration and light." - Little Fox The Peaceful One
The History: Brother Little Fox found this Ayurveda Mediterranean "Cleanse & Rebuild" Program for his wife at the time. He found it to be the most OPTIMUM, Highest Quality and easiest for her and anyone to use without getting complicated or creating any odd rituals that needed to be done during the average day. She desired no hindrance to their usual daily life and routines ... other than a slight improvement in their already some what healthy diet. However, out of this necessity ... and ... during his own journey into further awakening in 1996. He realized how complete this particular Natural Herbal System was in scope ... and ... that it is extremely affordable with easy to follow instructions for the average person. No matter what their health needs at the time. More was being offered to the Ascension process than realized. Indeed, Upon just one phase of this light Body preparing, Cleansing & Cellular rejuvenation process ... Their three beautiful and fully known contracted Star-Children were born. A triad of outstanding spiritual lineage. Their births were predicated on preparing both of their vessels for the amount of light needed to be EMBODIED to bring these 3 beings into the then 3-1/2 D world. "This will be the way in the future for the coming of your next progeny dear family. You will consciously plan the preparations needed for your higher selves, souls, Homo-luminous Light-Bodies and cells to handle the privilege of stewarding the next generations of Light ... by means of conscious divine knowingness and instruction in co-creation of all things." - The Ancients After pursuing with a passion this portion of the physical Ascension journey over the last 15 years ... by the advice through his Personal Guidance Team ... brother Little Fox has searched and found even more since then in the way of KEYS to unlock the Ascension Gift of immortality and the "Golden Elixir of Life's Light". All that which may support the "Embodiment" work for anyone ... for added grace and ease during the Physical Ascension Adventure we are now on ... is made available for all. Since then, this particularly very complete SYSTEM has been the ONLY Physical, Crystalline & Cellular Assisting Cleanse program that brother Little Fox uses himself and has recommended with incredible repeatable results since 1997 to others.
It is 100% Natural, all Hand Picked Herbs and Alchemical Components & Formula delivered in vegi-capsules. So, no worries about taste, ease of use or deliver-ability for all. Once again, these recipes are between 120 - 500 + years old handed down from generation to generation through an Ancient Holistic & Nature-Pathic Lineage.
NOTE: 7 Day Cleanse Starter Kits & 40 Day FULL Systems Available ABOVE - or -
In The Right Hand Column
As many know through personal interaction. Brother Little Fox The Peaceful One would only share that which is the most "OPTIMUM & Efficient" (his favorite words) and that which add to ones Grace & Ease on their way to embodiment through the inner work and physical journey of Cleansing, Clearing, Detoxing and Releasing the magnetic & energetic debris of the 3D matrix from the physical vessel ... So, we would pay close attention if we were you when he periodically shares more about this portion of the Ascension process. His spiritual lineage goes back to many an Ancient times both past and future for the assisting of the current adventure. Those of you who have met him in person know exactly what it is we speak about.
We only wish to assist as many as we can ... to "Experience" as much Grace & Ease as they can ... so that all may have the chance to fulfill their goals of Ascension. And you must ... NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE ... start to include the perfecting and loving of your physical body and it's many needs for the coming phases of The Great Shift.
See the Article: Summer Solstice And The Alchemical Fire
"The PHYSICAL body must GO with you and be "CLEAR" for the Ascension Process to be completed. This time you are to take it with you in glorious light rather than pass through the Veil and Wall of Fire again in death." - The Ancients
This Program is the most Accurate, Complete, "Harmonious" and Affordable with impeccable quality. We recommend it strongly and will support all who choose to utilize it with e-mails and guidance for any one choosing to BE-Come the Embodied Ascended Homo-Luminous Light being. You can receive a "Cleanse Starter Package" to feel out the quality of the formulas which will contain enough herbs for 1 weeks worth of cleansing and instruction for a 7 day trial ... . . . or . . . You may decide ... right now to commit to your experience ... and order the minimal "40 Days and 40 Nights" Complete Cleanse & Rebuild program with supporting e-mails, 1 Supporting Skype session and a set of detailed directions and processes recommended by brother Little Fox and the Team ... All are sent ONLY in vegetarian capsules ... and within 3 - 5 business days. The 40 Days and 40 Nights Program is the FULl Cleanse and Rebuild System which also includes the teachings and energy technologies to provide a full 5 Energy Body process ... complete with:
What Comes In The Cleanse & Rebuild System
Cleanse & Rebuild Your Foundation |
- Supplies for 7 Trial or FULL 40 Days of Cleansing & Rebuilding the Body Temple. Three Formulas are part of the system.
- (1) The first Formula comes in Vegi-Capsule Form. It Cleanses your Intestinal Track, Stomach, the Linings of your entire CLOGGED Filtration system from Organs to Glands to the Endocrine System (Chak`Ra) ... with a side resultant being an overall cleaner blood stream and Cellular expression. (This is key to your personal Crystalline Matrix)
- (2) The second Formula is a Liquid of Ancient components meant to rebuild your entire system as mentioned above and assist in your rehabilitation and Rebuilding. Including all needed for a fresh new cellular matrix and supporting systems form digestion to filtration to even sub atomic reprogramming. making your Magnetic frequency squeaky clean.
- (3) The third Formula is also in Vegi-Capsule form. This formula contain compounds of herbs that will eliminate and expel energy blockages, dormant viruses and bacterial/fungal/parasitical energies like Candida Albicans, and with that any hidden physical entities that are prevalent when releasing energetic debris or energy parasites. (80% of Western Foods based Population have Candida based Allergies even if not obvious in a healthy body ... just yet.) We can not express our great gratitude for this particular formula. It has assisted in a great deal of progress for many. For indeed in our healing services we have seen that the physical and energetic worlds mirror each other completely. Therefore, if you have the energy blocks, past life debris and/or tag-alongs of or energy parasites/implants ... then you will have the physical ones hidden throughout your BODY as well. That includes just about every human being on the planet. All of these above mentioned (lower vibrational energies) keep you in habitual or cyclical and ADDICTIVE cycle that must be dealt with so as to have a fresh foundation in your other Ascension becoming processes.
- Instructions and Energy Clearing techniques for the Emotional, Mental, Spirit & Electric BODIES ... Severing Cords & Ties, Releasing Stagnant Familial - Past Life - Programs, Energetic Packets of Debris and thought based energy blockages. These are the very same modalities we share during the Family Gathering and Crystalline Ascension Chamber events ... world-wide.
- Advanced Meditation and Shamanic Energy practices that Brother Little Fox uses himself as instructed buy The Ancients for the re-building of a Solid and Clear FOUNDATION. Working with your guides, Angels and Higher Self is a re-building needed to increase your Light-Body Quotient's momentum ... so as to HOLD your precious light. No more loosing it or giving it away after achieving a great experience at a retreat or personal event ... and then wondering what happened to it. This is your Birth-right and very much YOUR LIGHT. It is indeed time to re-claim it as such!
- And, suggestions on how to incorporate the entire Formula, above gifts and very Ancient practices that can lead to TRUE Self Mastery and Mind/Body wisdom for anyone desiring to do so. For the Mature Spiritual Being must come into their OWN Mastery through the application of EXPERIENCE ... which lead to embodied Wisdom ... if one is to Physically Ascend just as those who have done so before us.
* * *
7 - DAY - 40 Day & Couples Discounted Kits Available ABOVE - or - Top Right Column
5. The Family Gathering Internationals'
Natural Cleanse & Rebuild Herbal System
NOTE: 7 Day Cleanse Starter Kits & 40 Day FULL Systems Available
In The Right Hand Column
For more information ... Contact the Family Gathering International Team. And yes, please do ask questions of our support team anytime at. Grace & Ease for your journey is our number one priority and purpose for serving the needs of the planetary soul family's Ascension Adventure.
This All Natural Herbal Cleanse & Rebuild System aids in the releasing of old energetic patterns & unhealthy cycles from lifetimes of programing at the cellular and magnetic level of your entire energetic system ... safely ... especially aimed at cellular rejuvenation from the inside out. So as to HOLD more of your light.
- Ascension Alchemy Cleanse & Rebuild Testimony:
"I just wanted to thank you again for guiding Mamiko and me through the cleanse & rebuild process this spring. We are vibrating higher than ever and feel blessed that we were prepared to assimilate all the energies from the last month --- solar eclipse, full moon eclipse, Venus transit, solar flares, Summer Solstice -- with relative grace and ease, as you would say. As a result of the cleanse, I lost 15 lbs. without trying, our diet evolved to 70% raw, and we both feel wonderful -- in all four bodies. Mahalo!" - David & Mamiko Bower 2012 Honolulu Hawaii
The rewards? Perfecting health, familial/genetic rebooting, easier transition into a TRUE Crystalline Light Being and ... with this can come added higher light embodiment and revitalizing energy leading to the Keys for Immortality. And, all of this is being done daily with repeatable results for anyone.
Do you have more questions? GOOD!
Join us in the adventure today and Be-Come The Light itself. For this is your birth-right.
For Q & A are welcome at anytime through our office e-mail:
And, our F.G.I. office voice mail system: 303-952-0313
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