Testimonials: Family Gathering Retreats & I`M Ω Ascension Support Sessions

The Beautiful OHM Retreat Family in Mt. Shasta CA, USA - 2007


  The time for refreshment, releasing, rebuilding and clarity of YOU/US ... is at hand!  Register below right now. 

Family Gathering Testimonials:  

"Love and gratitude to beloved Brother Little Fox Wa`gosh for our amazing retreat! Healing, heart opening, insightful - and filled up with joy and excitement! The Ascension Ceremony was the most blissful, beautiful and powerful one I`ve ever experienced and co-created! I see you, Brother! I Know you. I feel you. I thank you. And I love you!" - Marina Cavallero Oct 27, 2012 "Fall Ancient Legacy" Mt Shasta, CA Retreat

Marina Cavallero & Lyudmyla Smolyakova 2012 Mt Shasta Ascension Ceremony

 "What an honor it was meeting you and being Blessed with a beautiful healing experience. Your powerful Light will heal the world. My hope is that we will meet again someday soon. We have much work to do, my friend. Love and Light... " - R. DeRuntz 2009 Denver CO,  Star Council - Family Gathering

"More and more I am awed by the reality of man and his innate capacity and ability to be his aware God self.  I have watched you over the years transform into a high vibrational consciously aware being and I am awed and privileged to have been a witness to such clear and distinct beauty of a spark of the divine. Truly in love and light your sister." - Erica Lavell  - 2008 Family Gathering International "New England Star-Seed Reunion"

2008 F.G.I. Starseed Reunion Family Gathering New England 

"Dear Little Fox and Sara, much love and blessings to you both for your help in opening the ascension/divine birth portal on June 27 to aid in the divine child's birth. I will always hold you both in my heart and look forward to soul adventures with you in the future. Blessings." - Teresa De'Bono  2010 Mt Shasta CA, "Remembering Your Lemurian Legacy"

2010 Annual Mt Shasta - F.G.I. "Remember Your Lemurian Legacy"

"Blessings to you as well my friend, and thank you for the inspiration you have gifted my friends with (Dave's new work is filled with the ancient magick of the elements and the wonder of Spirit). When one shines upon so many it should be acknowledged, so many blessings to you, and may your day be filled with moments of awe and the magick of your dreams." -  R. Pavlovich  2009 Galveston Moody Pyramids - Atlantian Grid Convention

"Good morning dear brother. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love and wonderful energy you brought to Galveston. I will keep it with me always. Namaste" - J. Meza  2009 Galveston TX,  Moody Pyramids - Atlantian Grid Convention

2009 Remembering Your Lemurina Legacy Mt Shasta CA, USA

"Yes, it was the most riveting & powerful day of my LIFE!!! I was convinced that I am not alone.... LOL & Crying....:) You really know how to back up your words Little Fox ....... I send you love from the bottom of my heart.....I love you all....." - Marybeth Giefer San Fransisco - 2009 Mt Shasta CA, Lemurian Legacy - Family Gathering

Marybeth Giefer & Alexandria Defato 2009 Mt Shasta Retreat

"Thank you for kind words Little Fox, Your energy must have passed to me. This morning I created my most unique and creative necklace so far." - D. Chowen

"Thanks for reaching out. What a beautiful ceremony it is. ...hmmm... see you again soon." - M. Mango

2010 Australian F.G.I. OZ Tour - Core Support Team

2010 Australia - "The Randwick Sanctuary Of Light" Weekly Masters Group

"What an awesome life changing weekend! Filled with so much love and "good vibrations"- Noel Sullivan - 2010 Australia "The Family Gathering OZ Tour " - Randwick F.G.I. TEAM

 "Little Fox ... Time is just not the same anymore, to put it mildly! That was certainly a life changing weekend for me in so many ways. To discuss the crystal city and its inhabitants, the grid work, and our star family and off-world origins, etc., openly, with people who know what I know, what a huge gift! I felt among kin for the first time in many moons." - Susan Sloan Light-Worker Teacher. "Starseed Family Gathering - New England 2008

2008 New England Star Family Gathering - Mashantucket Tribal Lands CT, USA

"Hello Beautiful One! My deep appreciation for your presence at Quantum. I am sorry we didn't connect in person, but hearing your kind words is truly a gift. We are planning the next one in Ft. Lauderdale in November. Stay tuned....In love and light." - L. Sevante  2008 Quantum Light Expo

* Ascension Alchemy Cleanse & Rebuild Testimony * 

"I just wanted to thank you again for guiding Mamiko and me through the cleanse & rebuild process this spring. We are vibrating higher than ever and feel blessed that we were prepared to assimilate all the energies from the last month --- solar eclipse, full moon eclipse, Venus transit, solar flares, Summer Solstice -- with relative grace and ease, as you would say. As a result of the cleanse, I lost 15 lbs. without trying, our diet evolved to 70% raw, and we both feel wonderful -- in all four bodies. Mahalo!" - David & Mamiko Bower 2012 Honolulu Hawaii

"I have actually met this guy in real life… i was at an eastern philosophy class in fort Collin Colorado and he was passing through .... he is one of the most interesting people i’ve ever met. He has this charisma which is unlike anything i’ve ever seen. be skeptical of what he says, believe what you will, but you’ll never fully understand what he says until you meet him. dude is legit."- Jeff Settle - Chapman College Annual Meditation Retreat - The Shambalah Center Red Feather lake, CO 2010 Brother Little Fox Received An Honorary Speakers Invitation for a day.  Incredible Synchronicity.

2009 Young Masters Of Chapman College - Shambalah Mnt. Center Honorary Speaker Invite

Shambalah Mnt. Center Honorary Speakers Invitation

NOTE: This is a Family Gathering Media Portal for education and entertainment purposes only. Permission is given to share all information from the F.G.I, Media Pages and the "Adventures Through The Great Shift" (Websites, Blogs, Youtube Videos and Radio) Programing. They MUST be preserved in ORIGINAL format with all credit given appropriately to the creator/s of said material. - * (FGI Media 2012) *

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