Published by: Little Fox, Mother Gaia & The Ancients
Original Date: June 20th 2012 Solstice
Updated: June 21, 2012
"2012 Summer Solstice & The SUNS' Alchemical FIRE"
ENERGY UPDATE June 20th: Its been considerably cool every day and eve for the last 2 weeks here on the East Coast. But, its now a heat wave here in NYC. This day of the SUMMER Solstice I am checking in with the the Soul Family, Mother Gaia & The Ancient Architects, for it feels strongly to me that the NEXT phase of the Solar Ascension portion and therefore, our continued cellular transformation and Light-Body process ... are underway.
It's interesting how both of these below messages from the Ancients & The Mother are aligned with the Eclipse & Solstice. Both being delivered on the 20ths of both May & June 2012 ... enjoy.
- The Solar Ascension - Our Ancient Historical cycles
- The Ancient Ascension Architects: The Alchemical Fire
- Mother Gaia - May 20th 2012 - During the May Annular Eclipse
- Cellular Cleansing & Rebuilding - Keys To Physical Ascension
- Family Gathering International's Natural Cleanse & Rebuild Herbal System
1. The Solar Ascension - Our Ancient Historical Cycles:
Youtube: The Changing Sun Part-1
(As always the views and message shared in the above video may not necessarily be the same as Little Fox or The Ancients & The F.G.I team. Your personal truth and discernment are to be used at all times. )
As you can see. The so-called New Science and study of the SUN (Helios-astronomy) is not really NEW. All other past Great Shifts of the many 26,000 year cycles were also recorded, followed or studied by those with the eyes to notice. The correlations between the many Great Shifting cycles of the past ... with the one we are experiencing now ... are very interesting to say the least when we follow the Solar portion of these Galactic cycles.
Indeed. The Ancient Ones say that our intuition about these cycles and their original
purpose is mostly correct. As is our perception about the over 200-400 Pyramids as well. For they are acupuncture points for the energy lines. The meridians and Chak'ra and Vortexes of the planet.
The many SUN temples and pyramids found around the world were not created simply to venerate the Heliospheric ball in the sky by some pagan observers. Nor were they erected simply to venerate a GOD like energy they thought responsible for the growth of their crops and foods stuff. That all came later. In fact, many generations later when they started to dilute the original CLEAR teachings that were brought to them by beings like The Ancient Ones. But rather, these temples were placed so precise on their locations so as to serve as watchtowers, precise technologies and living structure to demarcate the cycles leading up to events such as the NOW. Our Ascension into the 4th Light and 5th Dimension. The many civilizations and keepers of the Wisdom throughout the centuries did just as we are now in taking notice of the activity in our/their modern day observance and revelations.
With very little effort and research, one may take into account the new SOLAR studies, their relationship in correlation to the Earths' Ascension journey and, the fact that other planets are indeed being effected by the recent off the charts M-class CME's ... to come into the knowing that something is afoot. For they are ALL heating up. It's NOT just the Earth or global warming. But rather a Solar Ascension cycle for the entire solar system.
purpose is mostly correct. As is our perception about the over 200-400 Pyramids as well. For they are acupuncture points for the energy lines. The meridians and Chak'ra and Vortexes of the planet.
The many SUN temples and pyramids found around the world were not created simply to venerate the Heliospheric ball in the sky by some pagan observers. Nor were they erected simply to venerate a GOD like energy they thought responsible for the growth of their crops and foods stuff. That all came later. In fact, many generations later when they started to dilute the original CLEAR teachings that were brought to them by beings like The Ancient Ones. But rather, these temples were placed so precise on their locations so as to serve as watchtowers, precise technologies and living structure to demarcate the cycles leading up to events such as the NOW. Our Ascension into the 4th Light and 5th Dimension. The many civilizations and keepers of the Wisdom throughout the centuries did just as we are now in taking notice of the activity in our/their modern day observance and revelations.
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GIZA Pyramids Egypt |
One may also make the connection that the SUNs' latest activity during this 26th cycle ... and the recent planetary uprisings, government shake downs ... and ... current rise in mental/emotional imbalances of the newly awakening ones ... (for many are very angry at what is being revealed being made ready for the healing to come) ... are all also in clear correlation to the larger picture and prophesies about the current times..
Perhaps the stories, lore, sacred text, writings and other historical reference to the "End Times or Armageddon", have credence in both the negative and positive realities. In both the inner and outer selves? Indeed.
It seems that science is now seeing what many have already been feeling as truth. That the Solar activity, and the Lunar activity for that matter, do play a role in mankind's behaviors, evolution and our consciousness or actions ... by means of exaggerating the current mass consciousness, mindset and level of vibratory cellular resonance or intention. Especially if you are not connecting daily to your higher self and grounding your electric body into the physical.
(You may wish to study more about the technique called Earthing):
In other words, "what you think about you bring about ... is happening now ... X's-10." Then indeed. It may do us well to observe our own countenance and discover at what level we are able "LET GO OF WHAT NO LONGER SERVES US", so as to handle and embody the incoming light waves of "Photonic Energy" in more Grace & Ease at the physical, emotional and mental levels.
If we are clearing, cleansing, detoxing, healing and releasing regularly ... lower vibrational patterns from the Physical, Emotional and Mental bodies ... anything that deals with the Old Matrix as best you can ... will bring about the experience of upliftment for the whole and aid others who may choose to release the lower fields of experience during the Shift Cycles.
Cleanse our hearts, minds, and physical vessels (the magnetic vessel) of the fears ... to make room for all
of our light is a great key for us dear family. This the Ancients and many of our spirit families have been reminding us to do daily. The statement made popular by a
recent movie called Avatar speaks well to this, "You can NOT fill a cup ... that is already
FULL." Therefore, allow yourself the potential to receive the incoming NOW measurable Quantum Photonic Light. And, we would remind all to try and do this in "new" ways so as to HOLD the light with grace as the reward. And, in
this way you will be-come the new light waves of immortal and expansive
Homo-luminous Humans. The NEXT evolutionary expression of the Creators'
Will on Earth. This is available to the ones who choose to do the self development and inner work.
what we think about ... during these times of great change even at the
Soul-ular (cellular) level from the Solar Ascension activity, will assist in spearheading the
Shift in Consciousness for the New Earth Co-creation. More evidence like
this will emerge as we go on. More prof that there is a simultaneous
correlation and effect upon planetary and human consciousnesses will be presented here as we
dove-tail closer to the Galactic Alignment adventure still to be experienced.
Here is what The Ancient Ascension Architects have to say about the current Photon Light of the SUN and it's time for our 2012 Summer Solstice energy.
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NYC Yoga In The Streets |
Here is what The Ancient Ascension Architects have to say about the current Photon Light of the SUN and it's time for our 2012 Summer Solstice energy.
2. "The Alchemical Fire"
A message via The Ancients for Summer Solstice 2012:
"The Solar Logos (SUN) during your mid Solar Ascension cycle during the 2012 cycle will eventually shine so brightly that you will NOT be able to gaze upon it as per the usual ... Nor will you even be able to stand under its Golden Particle piercing rays for extended times as before. This increase in the Solar Rays and Photonic Light emanation will continue to escalate as the Photon Belt reaches its apex. Those of you who have been following our and The Peaceful Ones suggestion all these years to use the art of Solar Gazing ... as a healing and channeling technology ... have already been feeling the Quickening at your cellular levels with many chances to feel the vibrations and shimmering light right down to your very core and crystalline expressions. For indeed, you may perhaps no longer need to actually gaze in the sun's limitless rays to feel the energy pouring into your energy body through your electric body into the physical.
"Do listen to your higher self and personal truth on weather or not you should be continuing (or not) this practice. For it is no longer necessary to physically view or gaze into the sun's light. Nor await a sun filled cloudless day to do so. You may do so from even the darkest night and deepest dungeon as of the now. For the Photonic Light is now all penetrating with increased potential for all to embody the Solar gifts and portion of the Ascension process. And, do try to drink much in the way of naturally mineral-ized and electrified Mountain Spring waters that have been blessed by the Mother's love and clarity of purpose. Indeed.
"Know that the true nature, wisdom, power and original consciousness of all the elements are returning to their clarity and the Great Central Sun's original intent. Can you feel this within yourselves as well? We would once again encourage and urge you to take the time to listen to nature's song regularly to receive its' wisdom and healing during the rest of this journey ... and beyond. Do not wait any longer in this. All locations on the Earth have this loving embrace of The Mother available to you.
"This process will be increasing your Light Quotient and will be swiftly ushering in your inner embodiment 3 & 4 fold ... bringing your cellular and 3/4 D selves into increased cellular speed (oscillation). You have been feeling this quickening. All that is hidden, both within yourselves and the planetary consciousness (Old System), is being revealed. All discordant energies, feelings, limitations, illusions, energetic debris, fears and stories must come to the surface to be released and allow the Ascension to manifest. ALL must be revealed. You need only follow your news about such stories as the Vatican organizations' involuntary purging of its secret documents of late ... to have evidence this is true.
"This is all per your prophecies in association with the Venus Transit, the 26,000 year cycles, the impending Galactic Alignment and the Anchoring of the Goddess Light upon and into the Earth Mother's Consciousness, her Light-Body and thereby in equal measure and relation ... your Quasi-Light Homo-luminous Physicality as well.
"Therefore, choose to be-come clear, cleansed & detoxed. Choose to release the old, the
3D matrix ego consciousness ... and come into a re-balance which will lead into your desired healing. Choose to embody and seek out your eternal self by "be-ing" your higher self here on the Earth Plane ... NOW. Now is always now. You need not await permission from some w-holy being or saving grace. For indeed, you are to simply give yourself the permission to shine this as your personal truths ... NOW."Breathe into yourselves your birth right and your divinity. For you are the Earth, the SUN, the Moon and the Stary Night sky. Reach out to them and then breathe them into your presence so as to ground it all here and nigh." - The Ancient Architects June 20, 2012 - through Little Fox
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Breathing In The Pillar Of Golden White Light |
Hmmmm ... after the above came in ... there was a whisper from The Mother to add the below. She was asking me to re-post this segment of the May 20th 2012 Annular Eclipse sharing as I was typing the above. There is never a need to wait for replies or permission from these beings and guides of many developing worlds ... now is there?
3. Mother Gaia - May 20th 2012 - During the May Annular Eclipse
"And now the time shall move swiftly, effortlessly for those choosing to be-come the template for the new humanity. For those who have come from that place which is called the Unknown ... and then back to the Knowing.
"We would ask you to choose with all of your heart and all of your might to embody your truths. For they will carry you further, deeper and into richer territory. Your trust thus far has been to lead you towards living in and choosing impeccability with your brand of wisdom. Your special flavor of the Ancient Books.
"They unfold for you now for the greater good. Go now and find your place amongst these ones. Your place amongst the stars. Go and become the true leaders of the tomorrow as you see and feel it befitting you all. Ask for your gifts and then receive them with the Open Heart knowing that they have been forever in your grasp.
"There is no need to remain hidden or to beg for more begotten wisdom any longer. You are prepared in such ways that you will NOT know the fullness of your power until you come to the cross roads and utilize them without thinking in the mind, without doubt of the ego ... and instead with the joy that can come from your inner most sanctuary.
"Let this be your song and your mantra, " I AM the fullness that I AM. I Am the richness of the Spirit in human form. I Am that which will be and that which IS still becoming. I Am ... That which I Am."
"Know that YOU are loved. Unconditionally so. Simply choose to be this love and sing the bird song of your inner light. Sing it so that others might see and feel it as a reflection of their own." - Mother Gaia - through Little Fox The Peaceful One
With that I will remind all to keep drinking the purest water you can muster. Put your energy into it and raise your Vortex so that you may connect with this powerful and Majikal element. Detox in what ever way your BODY speaks to you (not your mind) so that your cells may receive the Photon Light. And, meditate, meditate, meditate while seeing the Golden White Light particles of the Photonic energy ... entering your physical expression.
All of this is to be done DAILY from here on. If not. Well, let's just say that you are the creators of your experience. You know the drill... You have been training for this all your LIVES ...
Whishte to all of my beautiful Soul Family ... Blessings in the energy of the One ♥ that we all are.
Little Fox The Peaceful One
In light of these ever changing times and a need to have and experience more grace and ease in the journey ... we are opening up a new and expanded offering of our suggested Cleanse and Rebuild System. Now more available than before. Our supplies are replenished for the rest of the year to share this 500 + year old system for cleansing, clearing, detoxing, releasing and rebuilding your entire physical body's energies right down to the cellular and sub-atomic cellular level. This cleans up your Law Of Attraction energetics and personal Magnetic Energy Fields for better facilitation of your desires, Clarity and Photonic Light Body Attunement ... with radiant health as a grand side effect. A much needed Ancient Wisdom this is for our times ... as the Solar & Photon Belts portion of our planetary adventure continues to morph and shift our DNA, Cells and Light-Body energies ... on all layers of consciousness, physical, emotional, mental and electric (spirit) body. For you are a Bio-electrical (magnetic) being. Therefore, if you clean up your ... your Magnet (vessel) ... you clean up your life's experiences with fewer repeats, recycled and constant depletion of your energy from past "stories" ... with fewer processing cycles and Ascension symptoms. As the NEW Earth Co-creators, we are mastering the many realms of the Universal Law Of Attraction.
Grace AND Ease are yours if you so choose . . .
Read more below ...
4. Cellular Cleansing & Rebuilding - Keys To Physical Ascension
NOTE: 7 Day Cleanse Starter Kits & 40 Day FULL Rebuild Systems
Are Available In The Right Hand Column
Are Available In The Right Hand Column
"I just wanted to thank you
again for guiding Mamiko and me through the cleanse & rebuild
process this spring. We are vibrating higher than ever and feel blessed
that we were prepared to assimilate all the energies from the last month
--- solar eclipse, full moon eclipse, Venus transit, solar flares,
Summer Solstice -- with relative grace and ease, as you would say. As a
result of the cleanse, I lost 15 lbs. without trying, our diet evolved
to 70% raw, and we both feel wonderful -- in all four bodies. Mahalo!" - David & Mamiko Bower 2012 Cleanse & Rebuild System - Honolulu Hawaii
Brother Little Fox discovered this 500 year old Ayurveda based "Cleanse & Rebuild" Formulas and added it to his already powerful personal regimen. It did not take long before he could see that what "The Ancients" were presenting to him would be the most OPTIMUM Cellular "Physical Ascension Preparatory" Cleanse and Rebuild system. Both complete in scope, ease of use and extremely repeatable for anyone choosing the same.
After pursuing this portion of the Ascension journey over the last 15 years ... and through advice of his Personal Guidance Team ... He has searched and found that which may support the "Embodiment" work for anyone truly desiring Spiritual Maturity and Self Mastery. It is the ONLY Physical, Crystalline & Cellular Assisting Cleanse & Rebuild system that brother Little Fox uses himself and has recommended with incredible repeatable results since 1997.
It is 100% Natural, all Hand Picked Herbs and Alchemical Components. And, these recipes are between 120 - 500 + years old handed down from generation to generation.
As many know through personal interaction. Brother Little Fox The Peaceful One would only share that which is the most OPTIMUM, Efficient and would have the added bonus of bring one much in the way Grace and Ease on the journey. This is one way to do the inner and physical journey of Cleansing, Clearing, Detoxing and Releasing the magnetic & energetic debris of the 3D matrix from the physical ... so that all may have the chance to fulfill their Original Blue Print and goal of ... Physical Ascension as the Homo-Luminous Light beings that we are be-coming ... once again.
7 & 40 day Cleansing Kits and Packages are Available In The Right Hand Column.
And Visit the testimonial page for more about on events, workshops"The PHYSICAL body must GO with you for the Ascension Process to be completed. No longer are you to use your light for the outer experience. This time you are to build your energy light in great momentum and HOLD it ... so as to take it with you in glorious light-body be-coming ... rather than pass through the Veil and Wall of Fire again in death. For you are the eternal Light. You are the eternal Life." - The Ancients
This Program is the most Accurate, Complete and Affordable with impeccable quality. We recommend it strongly and will support all who choose to utilize it with e-mails assistance and guidance systems for any one choosing to BE-Come the Embodied Ascended Homo-Luminous Light being.
E-mail us for more information .. if you s choose:
E-mail us for more information .. if you s choose:
5. The Family Gathering Internationals'
Natural Cleanse & Rebuild Herbal System
The Elemental Kingdoms Are Our True Guides
How do we get started?
You can receive a "Cleanse Starter Package" that contains enough herbs in vegi-cape form for 1 weeks worth of cleansing ... and instruction ... This is a great 7 day trial experience. A plan that we know you'll feel the results of ... immediately. Upon completion of this 7 Day Trial package you may be lead to apply for a FULL 40 Days and 40 Nights Cleanse & Rebuild system.
... or ...
You may decide ... RIGHT NOW ... to commit to your "Experience" and order the Foundational Rebuilding System ...
"The 40 Days and 40 Nights" Complete Cleanse & Rebuild Journey ... with supporting e-mails, a set of detailed directions and processes recommended by brother Little Fox and the Team ... for rebuilding your Physical, Emotional, mental and Electric (Spirit) bodies ... from the Foundation on up. This is the exact process that brother Little Fox was guided to use by The Ancients during his Avatar Awakening process in the late 90's . . .
Note that Supportive Skype Sessions and video guidance are also available for added clarity and assistance.
All are sent ONLY in vegetarian capsules ... and within 3 - 5 business days. S&H are FREE!
7 Day Cleansing Trial Kits & "40 Days And Nights" Full Cleanse & Rebuild Systems are available in the Right Hand Column ...
For more information on why cleansing is important ... see link below .... or Contact the Family Gathering International Team office.
And yes, please do ask questions of our support team anytime at. Grace & Ease for your journey is our number one priority and purpose for serving the needs of the planetary soul family's Ascension Adventure ... during now ... The Great Shift !
Office e-mail:
Office Phone: 303-952-0313
Also. If you so choose ... join The Family Gathering International group Facebook Page below for more uplifting and encouraging instruction from The Ascension Architects 'The Ancients', and by means of the wisdom sharings of our extended soul family network from around the world. We are in this together. Indeed! Namaste - The F.G.I. Team
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