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Published by; Little Fox & F.G.I. Team
Original Date: June 2, 2013
Updated July 4, 2012 9:50 pm Est
Updated July 4, 2012 9:50 pm Est
QUICK OVERVIEW: The 4th of July Full Moon In Capricorn
Recent Solar Ascension Waves of Photonic Light With A Very Rare X-Flare Reaching Us Starting NOW!
- Divine Harmony STAR VLOGs and FREE Weekly Energy Report
Concluding Words: "SO THERE YOU HAVE IT"
. . . Enjoy our supporting videos and various excerpts below from contributing authors and articles as well . . .
The Full Moon In Capricorn
As you can see from our "new" Moon Phases APP in the far right of the BLOG. We are just a cpl days away for the next FULL Moon Harvest time for our Great Shift Journey together. The FULL Moon is always a time for review, reflection, returning back to previous grounding work to see where we may be ready to reap the rewards and where we can still add more seeds and watering of the soul to be cultivated yet for the next cycle.
Energetically ... It can feel quit refreshing compared to the Retrograde Venus trail we just recently finished blazing the last couple of months. It was very internal and emotionally "mental" or ego mind oriented in the process of determining our clarity. Finances, partnerships & relationships were in a BIG clearing and clarifying process.
But now that Venus is back ON again, and with the help of the FULL Moon's emotional watery waves (see our latest "4th of July Special" Report/Blog for more on this) ... and after the recent Venus Transit ... the energies are going towards the same subjects ... but in a new way for us all.
Hopefully. Yes, hopefully this is the case for you as well . . . if not . . . then "The Ancients" have told us that,
". . . Within the next 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 moths and 2 years ... you will be provided more PRONOUNCED Magnetic energetic opportunities to do so.
"For the Planetary or Astrological influences (planetary electromagnetic waves & signatures) are going to be MUCH MORE palpable and pronounced in how obvious you are "utilizing" them ... adding clarity as to why they were chosen by YOU for your current incarnation and journey.
"YES, have you felt this? That the Astrological influences you came in with ... are even more OBVIOUS and stronger in your experiences than ever before? This will only continue. Therefore, dear ones ... the purging of the the OLD illusion of your 3D duality matrix ... and the energetic debris from your 4 energy bodies ... will continue to be asked of you in the next few years well into the 2013 ... as you aim towards new and expansive mastery." - The Ancients
(NOTE: The above insightful message via The Ancients did occur exactly 2 days after this post. See brother Little Fox's recent post above: 4th of July Ascension Alchemy Special Energy Update ...) - The F.G.I. Team
Indeed, this is why we include such reports and siSTAR Divine Harmony STAR Reports in the first place. (See her latest STAR REPORT for this week below) Not to put a focus on the outside world of your energy experience. But, to provide further and connecting insights on how to choose ... Self Mastery ... in your adventure. Know thy self rings true no matter who you are and where you are going on the path.
But, how will it feel to those of you/us who are of a more "sensitive" nature ... ? Read on for more ...
Energetically ... It can feel quit refreshing compared to the Retrograde Venus trail we just recently finished blazing the last couple of months. It was very internal and emotionally "mental" or ego mind oriented in the process of determining our clarity. Finances, partnerships & relationships were in a BIG clearing and clarifying process.
"At this full moon of
Cancer/Capricorn it is time to revisit the archetypes of mother/father,
in particular the feminine energy of these two signs. Cancer is the
mother who births us, the gateway to consciousness in form. Capricorn is
the father who initiates us, the gateway to spiritual
consciousness/contribution in the world. There is enlightenment to be
awakened in the knowledge that both these archetypes of mother/father
are feminine." - Colin Bondi of www.galacticfreepress.com
But now that Venus is back ON again, and with the help of the FULL Moon's emotional watery waves (see our latest "4th of July Special" Report/Blog for more on this) ... and after the recent Venus Transit ... the energies are going towards the same subjects ... but in a new way for us all.
Hopefully. Yes, hopefully this is the case for you as well . . . if not . . . then "The Ancients" have told us that,
". . . Within the next 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 moths and 2 years ... you will be provided more PRONOUNCED Magnetic energetic opportunities to do so.
"For the Planetary or Astrological influences (planetary electromagnetic waves & signatures) are going to be MUCH MORE palpable and pronounced in how obvious you are "utilizing" them ... adding clarity as to why they were chosen by YOU for your current incarnation and journey.
"YES, have you felt this? That the Astrological influences you came in with ... are even more OBVIOUS and stronger in your experiences than ever before? This will only continue. Therefore, dear ones ... the purging of the the OLD illusion of your 3D duality matrix ... and the energetic debris from your 4 energy bodies ... will continue to be asked of you in the next few years well into the 2013 ... as you aim towards new and expansive mastery." - The Ancients
(NOTE: The above insightful message via The Ancients did occur exactly 2 days after this post. See brother Little Fox's recent post above: 4th of July Ascension Alchemy Special Energy Update ...) - The F.G.I. Team
Indeed, this is why we include such reports and siSTAR Divine Harmony STAR Reports in the first place. (See her latest STAR REPORT for this week below) Not to put a focus on the outside world of your energy experience. But, to provide further and connecting insights on how to choose ... Self Mastery ... in your adventure. Know thy self rings true no matter who you are and where you are going on the path.
But, how will it feel to those of you/us who are of a more "sensitive" nature ... ? Read on for more ...
Well, for some it will seem as if everyone has something to say in projecting their thoughts outwardly this week -- and yet -- from the Solar activities and other Geo-political actions occurring ... or that are about to occur ... many are feeling a bit anxious or out of sync than usual. This has been reported to me especially today on July...2nd 2012. It's when Jupiter conjuncts the south node in Gemini ... ALL ... during the AFTERMATH of an intense M-Class Flare Storm that occurred on July 30th from our Solar Logos (SUN) and ... as of this report ... note also that a very very very RARE X-Class flare has also occurred late in the day on Monday June 2, 2012. Wow! A doubly intense and yet very optimum time for us in the know. So, don't panic. You have the tools to get you through it all.
Also of note is that on July 3, Mars will finally conclude its long stay in analytical Virgo to enter social Libra. That same day, an intense full Moon in Capricorn includes plenty of difficult aspects that will require you to KEEP YOUR EMOTIONS in check ... and your mind sharp on the prize that you are a divine being having a human experience! - Little Fox The Peaceful One
* Read more about these influences and opportunities for GRACE & EASE during the coming times from siSTAR Divine Harmony's STAR Report and FREE Video-Blog below*
Four Solar Flare eruptions to reach earth during the
Capricorn FULL MOON gateway. If you have been following our posts ...
you know the drill dear soul family. Get lots of QUALITY rest time when
your body speaks for it. Drink lots and
lots of pure fresh water to help the DETOX process that happens during
such Photonic Light Wave occurrences ... and ... ingest some sort of
mineral spectrum such as Sea Vegetables and/or Pink Himalayan or Sea
Also. As per The Ancients and Master Healer IM'Hotep ... a Vitamin C Complex supplement or "Ester C" and other Buffered Vitamin C Complexes are also great for holding the light in your bodies at the cellular level ... as the momentum builds in our Light-Body Ascension Process.
Our vessel are to BE-come the Golden Chalice as you all remember. These are but very simple and effective ways to do so. See our Blogs site for more hints on Cleansing ^& Re-building your Physical Vessel's "Foundation" into raising and "KEEPING" your Light Body Quotient high enough to go through the Great Shift.
Also. As per The Ancients and Master Healer IM'Hotep ... a Vitamin C Complex supplement or "Ester C" and other Buffered Vitamin C Complexes are also great for holding the light in your bodies at the cellular level ... as the momentum builds in our Light-Body Ascension Process.
Our vessel are to BE-come the Golden Chalice as you all remember. These are but very simple and effective ways to do so. See our Blogs site for more hints on Cleansing ^& Re-building your Physical Vessel's "Foundation" into raising and "KEEPING" your Light Body Quotient high enough to go through the Great Shift.
URGENT ... As we were typing this message a very RARE X-Flare was reported and this film was released just now ... We are most certainly going to be feeling this one later this week. Prepare now and CLEANSE your 5 energy bodies to have more GRACE 7 EASE on when these waves of Photonic light bombard the planet ... see our Cleanse & Rebuild page for more details ...
X-FLARE: Big sunspot AR1515 erupted
on July 2nd at 10:52 UT, producing an M5.6-class
solar flare that almost crossed the threshold into
Preparing your Foundation and Golden chalice for more of these energies ... NOW ... not later as they come ... was part of the deal you made when you chose to come to EARTH
during this Great Shift . . .
during this Great Shift . . .
Prepare now dear ones . . . NOT later . . .
Indeed, it is in times like these that we are to ... clear, cleanse, release and then Re-build (Heal) our entire 5 body
energy make-up from the Etheric (Electrical) ... all the way down to our
Physical body's DNA and Light Body Cellular Matrix.
See our suggestion for getting started on doing just that on our Cleanse & Rebuild Page Links above on our MAIN site:
dear siSTAR, Astrologer and Depth Psychologist . . . Divine Harmony has just posted her FREE "Weekly Astrology" Report ...
AND ... a big congratulations on this one Harmony. She and has just
finished her latest Special VLOGs or video STAR Energy reports for us to share with you below. We look forward for more of your "In-Depth Self Mastery" Star Energy reports to come.
Divine Harmony says, "i finally posted all the astrology videos i have made with Big Happy
Day on the video blog portion of the site (under cosmic insight- the
link is below). check out the videos we made on the uranus square pluto
years ahead, jupiter into gemini for the next year, the significance of
the recent venus retrograde and transit of the sun, and the eclipse
portal we just exited but which still has an effect on us for the next 6
"Positively we can find opportunities to deal with old karma and truly release it. jupiter rules the north node in sagittarius so there is an energy right now of past and future meeting in the now moment of the present, and any shifts or movements we make can impact both the past and future powerfully." - Divine Harmony
Its already going to be a jammed pack week of activity. We have been reminding everyone for the last 6 years that the energy will only get faster, more intense and the call to prepare and BE the change will become so pronounced that no-thing else will have your attention lick this Ascension journey can. So . . . keep your eyes on the prize. It will only become more important to clear, cleanse, detox, release and then heal your many aspects, selves and attributes during this adventure through . . . The Great Shift.
Remember, what you are feeling is NOT
all you. They are mostly your ASPECTS (other dimensional selves), your
crystal shards of past/present/future seeking to merge and meld into
YOUR fullness that YOU are during this the Zero Point threshold. Welcome
them in - with un-conditional love and release the rest ... with grace
and ease if you so choose.
Be sure to breathe ... deeply and regularly meditate meditate mediate ... daily.
Be sure to breathe ... deeply and regularly meditate meditate mediate ... daily.
For how you face and integrate with these
feelings/energies is up to you. For you are the MASTERS ... remembering your
Therefore, be gentle with yourself and others in your co-creations (stories/life) and love thy selves ... in "NEW" and expansive ways. Indeed its time to take off the blinders and see the grand mirrors we are for each other ... and the Universe.
Blessings in the light of the One♥ we all are.
your brother and fellow servant of the greater good . . .
- Little Fox The Peaceful One
Therefore, be gentle with yourself and others in your co-creations (stories/life) and love thy selves ... in "NEW" and expansive ways. Indeed its time to take off the blinders and see the grand mirrors we are for each other ... and the Universe.
Blessings in the light of the One♥ we all are.
your brother and fellow servant of the greater good . . .
- Little Fox The Peaceful One
And The F.G.I. Team
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