The 2012 Portals Await |
Date: November 14, 2012
EDITED: November 18, 2012
Published by: F.G.I. Team
Subjects: - Energy Update
* Continue To Cleanse For Solar Ascension
* Solar Eclipse and M/X Class Flares Report
* Solar Revolution Movie Trailer
* Mr Sky Watch Report
* Concluding Mssg: True Freedom Is Yours
* Mr Sky Watch Report
* Concluding Mssg: True Freedom Is Yours
For The Solar Ascension
WHY SO !?!
"The PORTALS are opening ... AND ... some of you are to "BE"-Come the portals in the flesh as you raise your light-body quotients in momentum. However, many if not most, have yet to choose consciously to be this and are not creating the needed MOMENTUM to do so. Therefore, you must purge that which is not of this higher 4th light based 5th Dimensional frequency ... just as the Mother has been doing so grace-fully and successfully. Yes, she is chosing to do so completely from her foundations on up. SHE IS adding more compassion to the journey for all the en-lighted ones to resume your chosen paths and "Open" Heart-ed breathing, dancing and choosing. Now beloveds. Now is the time to do so ... NOT on December 21st.
"Seek to become this NOW. This, the Dec 21st 2012 date and time-line is just ...
another date, a stamp in existance of the many may linear time-lines your have been jumping during your various leaps and bounds into Enlightenment and Ascension.
You have died many many Egoic and belief system deaths. Yes, you have, as you've chosen differently as to what path you shall walk or what direction you will discover. So, know also that you are choosing NOW TO JUMP INTO various time sequences or parallel existences ... in every new milli-moment ... towards further expansion and embodiment potentials. It is from these vantage points that you have chosen to put your attention upon the Ascension Adventure. You are most certainly in this to complete many open door existences ... clearing and preparing along with the Mother. So dear ones. Continue to stay close to here and your path will be made strong and clearly revealed. No-thing more and no-thing less is truly NEEDED. Other than to continually ... and in new ways ... to love yourselves fully in the NOW!
Dear ones, this is accomplished by clearing, cleansing, releasing and rebuilding the Old ... so as to Be-COME the NEW! The EMBODIED YOU! The ONE that was always meant to be upon the planet as the Homo-Luminous Light filled Being. A Human Angel upon the New "EARTH STAR" Mother. It is HERE NOW on your doorstep. Choose with all of your love and all of your courage ... to "BE" this ... on all levels of your consciousness, aspects, Cells, DNA, Atoms and electrons.
Blessings to all in the One Heart That ALL IS. You are dearly loved. Each and every one. For you are not alone." - The Ancients through Wa'GOSH
... continue reading and watching the included films for more ...
... Especially Your Physical/Emotional ...
For added "Grace & Ease" during the latest Solar Ascension Activities . . .
DRINK the purest freshest waters you can to flush out the OLD and make room for the NEW. And ... above all else ... BREATH ... for it's not just you or your stuff that you are feeling. It's just something that we are going through. Remember to breath. Deeply. The 11-16 November Solar Eclipse window is STILL open. As the article below suggest. The sun is also shifting and participating as a catalyst for the Solar System's shift into higher expression. All is in unison with The Mother & our Galaxy as they co-creating our collective adventure "Through The Great Shift" ... with us ... and with the aid of many M/X-Ray Class Solar Flares ... and more CME's than any year before ... maximizing the affect.
See videos about the recent solar activity for more . . .
! WE MUST CLEANSE OUR Vessel the Physical BODY !
*500 Yr Old Cleanse System Used For 15 yrs + by Little Fox @ link to the right, above & below . . .
By Earth Changes Media
Nov 13, 2012 - 4:40:56 PM
Solar activity has been active during the past 48 hours, featuring six M flares as well as eight C flares. All flares were produced by sunspot region 1613, except two C flares released by region 1614.
Solar activity has been active during the past 48 hours, featuring six M flares as well as eight C flares. All flares were produced by sunspot region 1613, except two C flares released by region 1614.
The brightest flare had its M6.0 peak near 02:04 UT on November 13th and was accompanied by a Type II radio burst with estimated high-speed of 575 km/s as observed by Culgoora. The M2.0 flare peaking at 23:28 UT on November 12th was also accompanied by a Type II radio burst with estimated high-speed of 645 km/s as registered by Learmonth.
More M-class flares are expected within the next 48 hours, with a chance for an X flare, especially from region 1613. All six M-class flares were associated with CMEs. Data received from LASCO instruments were not able to confirm if the latest CMEs would create a geomagnetic storm.
A shock wave was observed in the ACE solar wind data at 22:16 UT on November 12th, probably due to the arrival of the CMEs from November 9th and 10th. Solar wind speeds jumped from 315 to 372 km/s, while the IMF (interplanetary magnetic field) suddenly increased from 7 to 18 nT (nanotesla = 10-9Tesla).
Several High-Moderate Quakes Related to Solar Activity
In almost perfect sequence, several moderate to large earthquakeshave occurred along the ring-of-fire. This could be a "good" thing. It is well known a series of moderate quakes can release enough pressure to negate a large to mega-quake.
However, this is not always the case. The best scientific analogy (believe it or not) can only be - "We'll just have to wait and see."
I would say the most volatile locations for dangerous scenarios would be along the coast of Alaska - which includes the Queen Charlotte fault and the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Another would be the Middle America Trench which runs along Central America.
~ Mike Batrros
SOLAR (R)EVOLUTION premieres worldwide November 2012!!
Watch it now:
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Film Synopsis:
Does the sun have the power to transform humankind? In Solar (R)evolution, world-renowned German biophysicist, Dieter Broers, makes a compelling case, pointing to a wealth of scientific evidence that shows a remarkable correlation between increases in solar activity and advances in our creative, mental, and spiritual abilities.
DATE: November 14, 2012
EARTHBOUND ... Incoming Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)!
Looking at the Flare Tracker Model that is Developed by NASA...we have a Coronal Mass Ejection Heading our Way!
This Event was Produced by AR1613 as it Unleashed Continuous M Flares as it came Across the Eastern Limb, and Remained Active while in an Earth Effective Position.....
the Last M Flare Occured on Nov. 13, at 23:00 hrs, and was an M1 Class Event. the Other Possible Event that Occured, and caused the CME, is a C6 Flare that happened on the 14 of Nov, in the Early Morning Hours...
The CME is Forecasted to Arrive on Nov. 17 and will Spark Auroras in Mid to High Latitudes!
If the IMF Dips South Again, than the Geomagnetic Storm could Intensify.....and Produce Auroras at Much Lower Latitudes...
Heads Up, and Cameras Ready!
When we feel the blocks or resistances coming up into our daily sensing ... that of our triggers ... we MUST communicate this information some how and do so COMPLETELY. All must be acknowledged ... what we/you are feeling and what we/you are going through.
Hiding from it, stuffing it down or trying to "CONTROL" this powerful, passionate energy charge ... trying to emerge for release ... does not support your truth or higher selves desire for you to be-come more of the light.
"You can NOT fill up a cup that is already FULL."
We are speaking physically and emotionally here. YES! Process your "Stuff". But do not leave out the many layers of hidden energetic debris and emotional charges still seeking release or transmutation into lesson learned.
How can we transmute and then transform the trapped energetics? Well, you can release anything blocked in your field and 4 energy bodies ... with full and focused intention and breathing along with visualization ... this can be done. You can then receive (learn about the "GAIA Breath") through ascension breathing more of the TRUTH of you and transmute these emotionally charged (or energetic debris based) blockages ... so as to meld and embody your aspects and the numerous energetic "Crystalline" shards remaining to be embodied.
Wholeness and Unified into a Oneness of self is accomplished in this way.
What you have been choosing in the recent months and weeks is similar to the energy you have felt many times before. Just more powerfully and highly charged in its potentials or frequency. We say rejoice in this. Verses meandering or wading in regret for your woes or pains (both physical/emotional). For this only occurs for a short time when you have finally relaxed and just truly chosen to ... BE-Come (Breath) ... the next evolutionary leap in your higher selves' truth, plan, Original Blue Print ... and your hearts true desires!
Indeed, upon the use of true, clear and simple breathing based intentional RELEASE ... there is a wave of energy that will be felt ... like deeply seated waves of releasing HEAT ... that will come up from the depths of your bones and cells, along your spine and chak'ras ... within your heart & lower energy regions or various energy systems (sacred heart, root & solar plexus). These are signs of releasing and transmuting through the alchemical fire.
And, one might even sense an enhanced state of deep emotions from the release of energy debris, attributing thoughts, flashes or images of stories played out ... and energetic junk that has no ego mind games to attach to as well. So, chose to be in a safe space and personal allowing of this. Call in your guides, angels, healers and spirit team/family to do so with you for your highest good and joy to be revealed and embodied. You are not alone in this. Ever.
Detach from the mental portion (ego games and stories) and allow the energy to "PASS" through you and your consciousness or thoughts and energy fields LET GO.
Don't detach in that you hide from the charged emotions however. This is the true power of forgiveness or release. To LET GO & LET GOD the emotional CHARGE. But, detach in that your ego does not try to figure it out. The Paradox it can be. But is this not what you are once again as living walking masters returned to enjoy the journey once again Indeed you are. And, it is then that you will allow the container of this emotional debris (emotional/physical bodes) to be opened ... right down to the very cells and DNA ... and your OLD energetics, patterns and past/future STUCK STUFF can then be allowed (by your intentions) to be resolved organically into an ever more expanded wholeness and unified based version of the you that is ... Truly YOU.
No need to figure it out, analyze it or label it ... just yet. That may or may not come after the release and integration naturally occurs without even trying. But, above all else! Feeeeeeel the feelings and the ENERGY charge behind it thoroughly ... so that all energetics behind it are allowed to be fully felt ... and the experience that was stunted in completion, sensing, clearing or feeling ... can then flow OUT through you and become completed.
So, once again. Acknowledge and then release and then allow. From here we can remember to simply and deeply ... BREATHE ... in the NEW energetics as we release the old that no longer serve us is our personal truths. in YOUR personal truths. for your measure and version of it are needed her and now as well. Unravel and then RE-discover ... YOUR personal, highest-SELF'S personal truths for being here during these incredible times and Adventure Through the Great Shift.
Try this dear ones and see if it is of benefit to for you to release ... from this perspective. NO story needed. Just allowance, sensing without definition ... and then releasing for Open Heart-ed experiences to come in.
After you choose and Keep IT Spiritually Simple ... ALLOW without expectation or mental games the energetics of your meridians, emotional-mental-physical body to "BE"-Come into lightness (less density). Simple and powerful this is.
It is TIME to love ourselves completely by allowing the energy to FLOOOOOW ... in surrender. And as a living Achash or tuning fork for others. You will be this both for yourselves ... and for the next waves of soul family who are "at the ready" for the coming transformation of the Human template and New Earth Gaia Star.
Indeed! May we continue to love ourselves ... unbounded-ly so ... and in passionate compassion ... with the unconditional expansiveness of the Open Heart selves.
One ♥ to all during these adventurous times.
~ In Conclussion ~
We conclude with these words share in the September Energy Update being that there are similar energies as this expansive week and month have been as well.
You Are Not Your Emotions. TRUE Freedom Is Yours.
- The F.G.I. Team
When we feel the blocks or resistances coming up into our daily sensing ... that of our triggers ... we MUST communicate this information some how and do so COMPLETELY. All must be acknowledged ... what we/you are feeling and what we/you are going through.
Hiding from it, stuffing it down or trying to "CONTROL" this powerful, passionate energy charge ... trying to emerge for release ... does not support your truth or higher selves desire for you to be-come more of the light.
"You can NOT fill up a cup that is already FULL."
We are speaking physically and emotionally here. YES! Process your "Stuff". But do not leave out the many layers of hidden energetic debris and emotional charges still seeking release or transmutation into lesson learned.
How can we transmute and then transform the trapped energetics? Well, you can release anything blocked in your field and 4 energy bodies ... with full and focused intention and breathing along with visualization ... this can be done. You can then receive (learn about the "GAIA Breath") through ascension breathing more of the TRUTH of you and transmute these emotionally charged (or energetic debris based) blockages ... so as to meld and embody your aspects and the numerous energetic "Crystalline" shards remaining to be embodied.
Wholeness and Unified into a Oneness of self is accomplished in this way.
What you have been choosing in the recent months and weeks is similar to the energy you have felt many times before. Just more powerfully and highly charged in its potentials or frequency. We say rejoice in this. Verses meandering or wading in regret for your woes or pains (both physical/emotional). For this only occurs for a short time when you have finally relaxed and just truly chosen to ... BE-Come (Breath) ... the next evolutionary leap in your higher selves' truth, plan, Original Blue Print ... and your hearts true desires!
Indeed, upon the use of true, clear and simple breathing based intentional RELEASE ... there is a wave of energy that will be felt ... like deeply seated waves of releasing HEAT ... that will come up from the depths of your bones and cells, along your spine and chak'ras ... within your heart & lower energy regions or various energy systems (sacred heart, root & solar plexus). These are signs of releasing and transmuting through the alchemical fire.
And, one might even sense an enhanced state of deep emotions from the release of energy debris, attributing thoughts, flashes or images of stories played out ... and energetic junk that has no ego mind games to attach to as well. So, chose to be in a safe space and personal allowing of this. Call in your guides, angels, healers and spirit team/family to do so with you for your highest good and joy to be revealed and embodied. You are not alone in this. Ever.
Detach from the mental portion (ego games and stories) and allow the energy to "PASS" through you and your consciousness or thoughts and energy fields LET GO.
Don't detach in that you hide from the charged emotions however. This is the true power of forgiveness or release. To LET GO & LET GOD the emotional CHARGE. But, detach in that your ego does not try to figure it out. The Paradox it can be. But is this not what you are once again as living walking masters returned to enjoy the journey once again Indeed you are. And, it is then that you will allow the container of this emotional debris (emotional/physical bodes) to be opened ... right down to the very cells and DNA ... and your OLD energetics, patterns and past/future STUCK STUFF can then be allowed (by your intentions) to be resolved organically into an ever more expanded wholeness and unified based version of the you that is ... Truly YOU.
No need to figure it out, analyze it or label it ... just yet. That may or may not come after the release and integration naturally occurs without even trying. But, above all else! Feeeeeeel the feelings and the ENERGY charge behind it thoroughly ... so that all energetics behind it are allowed to be fully felt ... and the experience that was stunted in completion, sensing, clearing or feeling ... can then flow OUT through you and become completed.
"All of you from the the past ... the present and the future ... become the whole, unified and present ... YOU ... in the NOW with this allowing.
So, once again. Acknowledge and then release and then allow. From here we can remember to simply and deeply ... BREATHE ... in the NEW energetics as we release the old that no longer serve us is our personal truths. in YOUR personal truths. for your measure and version of it are needed her and now as well. Unravel and then RE-discover ... YOUR personal, highest-SELF'S personal truths for being here during these incredible times and Adventure Through the Great Shift.
Try this dear ones and see if it is of benefit to for you to release ... from this perspective. NO story needed. Just allowance, sensing without definition ... and then releasing for Open Heart-ed experiences to come in.
After you choose and Keep IT Spiritually Simple ... ALLOW without expectation or mental games the energetics of your meridians, emotional-mental-physical body to "BE"-Come into lightness (less density). Simple and powerful this is.
It is TIME to love ourselves completely by allowing the energy to FLOOOOOW ... in surrender. And as a living Achash or tuning fork for others. You will be this both for yourselves ... and for the next waves of soul family who are "at the ready" for the coming transformation of the Human template and New Earth Gaia Star.
Indeed! May we continue to love ourselves ... unbounded-ly so ... and in passionate compassion ... with the unconditional expansiveness of the Open Heart selves.
One ♥ to all during these adventurous times.
- Wa'GOSH (Little Fox) & the FGI Team
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