Tuesday, May 1, 2012


F.G.I. Team Energy Update 
Original Date Stamp: April 30, 2012


 Greetings dear soul family. The May 20th Solar portal opening (Annular Eclipse) is just around the corner and our energy has been shifting like night and day as of late. It feels better now for most, yes? And yet, we can also feel something new in the air when it comes to the world's consciousness shifting (Matrix) as well. Can you feel it? Therefore, to assist in gaining clarity for our personal grace & ease on the journey; we include siSTAR Dvine Harmony Astrology report. As an Psychologist & Astrologer her take on the subject of Planetary energy influences is always welcomed by us. Keep reading below to feel into what opportunities for personal shifts may be calling for your attention this week.  
 F.G.I. TEAM Report: As the local Solar Ascended Being (SUN portal) continues to magnetically (e)ffect the celestial energy of all the planets ... we have been noticing that the behavior patterns of the human consciousness system (Matrix) ... has become more pronounced and stronger in its (a)ffect on our Self-Mastery potentials, manifestations and quality of personal clarity experience. And so we continue to admonish the Ancient Ones suggestion to “Keep on drinking the highest vibration of 
natural water expressions and essential mineral intake you can muster. It is a must for better Electro-Biological conduction as your cells, DNA, meridians and chak'ras continue to realign daily.” The Ancients remind us that this IS a GAIA-based Ascension journey and that we must remember to ground regularly "Earth-ing" at least a 1/2 hr +/- a day when possible.

Adventures Through The Great Shift BlogTalk Radio Show 

The Quantum Physics behind this portion of The Great Shift must be off the charts incredible to track for you the energy sensitives out there. Grace & Ease dear family. Ask for it. Know it is your birth-right. And then, remember simply to breath, deeply, and then "be" in your personal truth and light. We will hear much more on this from "The Ancient Architects of The Great Shift" through our latest F.G.I. Media web portal: "Adventures Through The Great Shift" and BlogTalk Radio broadcast every Thursday @ 9pm Ets. See link below. Callers with questions are welcomed live. – Little Fox & The Family Gatherings International Team

And now, take notice with discernment this week’s Ascension Astrology (our label) report from siSTAR Divine Harmony. - " Mars ... bringing us to a crossroads in regards to our masculine energy, will, drive and how we deal with anger and assertiveness in our life. mars is now direct but he is still in his shadow as he is retracing his steps he made when he went backwards. mars square the nodes brings us to a point in time where we can take a leap into the unknown and grow/evolve OR we can stay stuck in the karmic patterns of the past and keep doing what we've always done.." ... for more see her link below.


Once again we share Ascension Master IM’Hotep’s Expression and theme for this month's "Adventure Through The Great Shift". A very kind and compassionate reminder as always:

"Beloveds, this is an adventure into expansive energy & higher vibrational frequencies ... as love e-motion. If you recognize this potential FIRST and foremost ... you will become the Grand Co-creators that we know you to be. For YOU are the New Earth Consciousness itself. Heaven will come to Gaia through you as the human portal of limitless potential. Therefore, what do you choose to create - TODAY." - The Ancient Architect IM'Hotep

Blessings to all in the energy of the One ♥

- Little Fox The Peaceful One.

Join our international soul family of like-minded beings for support during the Great Shift of NOW dear friends...


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