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The Blue Pearl |
Date Stamp: May 1, 20012
The Way-Showers
Planetary Shuffle . . .
The Way-Shower Shuffle Continues ...
Are you feeling a call to move about the planet or pursue, visit a new location, sacred site or long desired trip to a another environment? There may be a reason for this that goes into your "Original Blue Print" and personal "Higher Self's' Purpose". Perhaps you are feeling that after a loooong pause (1 yr - 4 mths) of rebooting ... that you are now to go out and share with others the NEW energy/wisdom that you have ... discovered during your recent rejuvenation and recalibrating. For we know who you are dear family. We are you also. The time is coming perhaps when the masses will be in need of the few who are holding the next template of "Grace - Ease" and the true knowingness that, "All Is Well ... In All Of Creation" as we go through these next phases of the Planetary Reboot. One that will effect both in ways of Consciousness & the Social Re-Structuring of this reality. For our consciousness and awareness of the expansive self ... dictate the reality we are choosing to co-create.
This year of 2012 may not turn out to be what so many had predicted in the earlier years of most spiritual circles. But, the Shift of Gaia, the Solar System and the Planetary Alignment IS going to a whole new level not even mentioned in the books of today or yesteryear. Changes and shifts are coming FOR THIS YEAR that will make the jaws of even the most unawakened person DROP in amazement and pause in mid thought as to the NEW potentials that will be presented. 2012 is the End of Days, but not because of a prediction or a Calendar per say. That is of the Egoic expression and a human made manifestation. Indeed, The Ancients say that this year of the year of 2012 speaks volumes more so in the way of mankind's re-newed and restored freedom into Self-Empowerment ... through the Death of the Old systems no longer serving mankind's evolution and Gaia's purpose. Indeed. This new Solar Cycle will introduce many opportunities for "The Open Heart" of most to manifest into new ways of consciousness and reality ... ie WAKING up ... and asking the question, "NOW WHAT !?!"
And with that, we shall ask you these next questions dear Way-Shower Family, "Are you one of these also? Are YOU one of the trusted few who is meant to be READY and WILLING to give a reply to the Universal request for more strong, clear and solid template holders as a Foundational example of the next Creation Matrix for Mother Earth and humanity?
Are you one who's known for some time that you are to be in the forefront eventually in service to the greater good by simplifying and Be-Coming the change as New Earth Masters of peacemaking, bridging, intentional healing, teaching, manifestation and First Source Energy creating?
Then we say to you, Now is your time to search the heart and know without a doubt that your challenges of the past were simply a training-ground for your blissful purpose of the now. In truth you will not even remember the challenges of yesterday or now ... as such. A change agent and holder of great joy in creating the safe space for others joining on the path ... this the "Adventure THROUGH The Great Shift" ... you are.
Now About That Dance You've Been Feeling Into
See what this sharing below might bring up or call forth from within you in the way of its coding. Especially if you are feeling the more anxious energy of others as you feel into your "home" or mission-place on the journey ... Do so with added mediation for clarity on both your current location and potential NEXT locational shift. For some of you are feeling the call to move, travel, flow about and visit or relocate ... yes?
The Way-Shower Planetary Shuffle, as The Ancients call it, is still in the forefront for many as Spirit and The Mother negotiate the current releasing and planetary re-alignments. Let them all share their wisdom with you as to where we can "be" (in energy & location) with our Attention and Intention. Trust that all will be made known as per your Higher Selves' Personal Truth and direction.
Simply breathe, deeply, and then allow your inner silence to come ... so as to know your truth, be in your joy and invite your highest light to shine through.
Remain truly free to receive ... the rich blessings of your joy, peace and divine knowingness.
Blessings to all in the energies of the One Heart ... we all are.
your brother in spirit and fellow servant ...
- Little Fox The Peaceful One
From the "The Prophecy of the Seven Fires" according to The Mishomis Book by Edward Benton Banai
Seventh Prophet was younger than the others who had
come and there was a glowing light from his eyes. He said
that there would come a time when the waters had been so
poisoned that the animals and plants that lived
there would fall sick and begin to die. Much of the
forests and prairies would be gone so the air
would begin to lose the power of life.* The way of
the mind brought to the red, black, and yellow nation
by the white nation would bring danger to the whole earth. In
this time there will arise Osh-ki-bi-ma-di-zeeg, a new
people who will emerge from the clouds of illusion. They
will retrace their steps to find the treasures that
had been left by the trail. The stories that had
been lost will be returned to them. They will
remember the Original Instructions and find
strength in the way of the circle. Their search will
take them to the elders and the new people will ask for guidance.
But many of the elders will have walked the Path of the
Souls to the Star Web. Many elders will have
forgotten their wisdom and they will not be able to
help. Some of the elders will point in the wrong
direction and others will remain silent because of
their fear. Some of the elders will be silent because
no one has asked them for their wisdom.
If the New People will find trust in the way of all things, in the circle, they will no longer need the selfish voice of the ego and they can begin to trust their inner voice.
Wisdom will be once again be found in dreams of
the night and of the day. The sacred fire will once
again be lit. The Light-skinned People will be
given a choice between two paths. If they choose
the right path the Seventh Fire will light the Eighth Fire (Infinity Sign)
and final fire of brotherhood and sisterhood. If
they choose the wrong path, remaining on the path of the
mind, then the destruction they brought with them will come
back to destroy them. The people of the earth will
experience much suffering and death.
What portion of the above did your attention go too? For there is a coding within it that could have one go into fear or one come into full submission to their higher mission - from within. One that may shout with rejoicing at the new potentials for service in confident knowing.
Re-read the above once again to determine where you might need to solidify your inner core of self mastery and knowing energy. More release of any OLD fear based thought patterns inherited via mass consciousness and/or familial patterns & templates may be called for. For NOT all of what you feel sometimes ... is truly all YOURS. Not all as an energy sensitive being, is of the TRUE Expansive you that IS YOU. As you may know, at times you are called to traverse certain streams of consciousness ... simply for the purpose of clearing them for the planet, soul families, human lineages, stories and illusion of Karma ... for the many etc. So remember the old adage to, "Let go and let God." This is simple to some. To simple in fact for the likes of some humans still in the drama trap. But, it is still a powerful key to utilize, regularly.
Re-read the above once again to determine where you might need to solidify your inner core of self mastery and knowing energy. More release of any OLD fear based thought patterns inherited via mass consciousness and/or familial patterns & templates may be called for. For NOT all of what you feel sometimes ... is truly all YOURS. Not all as an energy sensitive being, is of the TRUE Expansive you that IS YOU. As you may know, at times you are called to traverse certain streams of consciousness ... simply for the purpose of clearing them for the planet, soul families, human lineages, stories and illusion of Karma ... for the many etc. So remember the old adage to, "Let go and let God." This is simple to some. To simple in fact for the likes of some humans still in the drama trap. But, it is still a powerful key to utilize, regularly.
Now, to the contrary. If instead upon reading the above sharing ... you were lead to rejoice at the NEW potentials and prospects of being in added service to the Mother. If instead you saw the pieces of your own life plan unfold into added clarity for service to humanity in these current times ... ... ... then so be it dear ones. YES! For both (all) if not all paths are one and the same when placed into Right Relationship with self and the Creators' Higher Will. All paths lead back to The Source. So, be certain to continue loving thy self in non judgment, in passionate compassion for the self ... and in all things ... do them in a Sacred way. The beauty way of authentic being as the Ancients put it.
- see (MAP) below as well, "The Prophecy of the Seven Fires"
Indeed, once again we entreat you to seek out the wisdom that was once CLEAR but may now be weaker in frequency than when originally shared with humanity. Diluted after much analysis, judgments and the intentions of the few ... who used the energy to control the many.
Did you know that most tribes throughout the Americas KNOW that they and their original ancestors were taught by those who would come from the distant STARS. That the "Ancient Ones" as they were named ... were also know to those of the distant planets as teachers of the Creators' Will and plans for potentials that are coming into fruition ... now. Those of the many eras of Earth also were accustomed to these Great Shift Guides and Architects of the new potentials. Such ones are know to those who lived in other Shifts in Consciousness thought the 3 ages of the continent of Lemuria, in Egypt, the Incas, the Maya, the Hindu and even the Atlantian beings/peoples. All where instructed by the peace-keepers of the Golden Rule based wisdoms. A wisdom held in great reverence by the Original Ones as guardians of the teachings originating from the Ancient Architects of Universal Expansion and Shifts of Celestial Origins.
"For this wisdom existed before time was time, before there were even physical planets or matter. They came with the expansive Wisdom knowing how the cycles within cycles were so wisely set into motion by the Creator's Will. They came in such peace and clarity of service 2 by 2 without desiring to manipulate or control the earth and its inhabitants. But simply to gaze upon it. To expand the consciousness of those who were intrusted with the reality being co-created through their level of awareness. As tall grace-filled beings gleaming in the brightest
of light ... to teach the peoples of the lands the Natural Laws of the Earth, The
Universe and about the Prime Creators Will for this Star system and her stewards. Meaning ... you dear ones." - The Consciousness of Gaia.
It is NOW appropriate for all choosing ... to come into a deepening of our collective heart beats as we sync up with Mother Earths' new rhythms ... once again. This is imperative as we choose to support her journey into evolutionary celebration. It has been and always will be so beloveds. Yo are to join her in Right Relationship or ... you will choose to go and play in the other realms, planets or expressions similar to this one. Worlds that await patiently for the Creators hand in initiating new life upon them. Remember, the Mother is not the only place that has our attention in those vast Cosmos of the Creators playground. And so the Mother is not going to let this cycle of opportunity pass away again as she has self sacrificed in total unconditional love such opportunities as this one before. For humanity's sake. A loving gift indeed. One we shall admonish to take heed of. And why is this?
For she, The Mother, will Ascend ... this time ... into higher frequential light expression ... no matter what humanity chooses. Therefore, this speaks volumes to us on the F.G.I. TEAM and millions of Light-workers alike. And so, let those with the ears to listen ... hear. For this journey will remain simple for all Earthlings if we choose to follow her lead as the nature kingdom constantly exemplifies.
It is our living, dancing, choosing, meditating, singing, and breathing in Right Relationship with others, the Mother and self ... that will bridge the gap many still face as we evolve into .... the 4th Light and 5th Dimensional New Earth. Therefore, as Ascension Master Teacher and Healer IM'Hotep often reminds us, including myself, "Grand Co-creators that we know you to be ... What do you choose to create ... TODAY?"
Indeed. What say you dear family?
Blessings to all in the energy of the One ♥ that we all are
your brother in spirit and fellow servant ...
- Little Fox Wa'gosh - The Peaceful One and The F.G.I. Team
If you enjoyed this BLOG posting and the other sharings on this site ... then indeed ... join our international soul family group forum FB page of like-minded Way-Showers for support and rejuvenation during this ... The Adventure Through The Great Shift ...
F. G. I. GROUP Forum & FB Support Profile:
Remember to join us on our newest BLOG Talk Radio weekly journey into the Ancient Wisdom and hear more about this and additional Ascension Support related sharings from The Ancient Ones. Once again we join "The Adventure" through the guidance of Master Healer/Teacher Ascension Architect IM'Hotep, brother Little Fox and the F.G.I. Team. Mahalo to all The Family.
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The Circle Of Fire Grid With Grand Teton Mnts. At Center |
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